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It is the mode, which is sometimes introduced, along with the mean and median as a measure of "central tendency".

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Q: What is the most frequently occurring value of a data is a measure of?
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Related questions

What is the most frequently occurring value of a data?

It is called the mode.

What is the most frequently occurring value in a data set?

its avarage, median and mode

How does a stem and leaf plot show the distribution of data?

the data set is simply the most frequently occurring value.

What is the mode to 3 50g 5 100g 6 150g?

The mode is defined as the most frequently occurring value. Therefore, the mode of this data set is 150 g.

What is the most occurring value in a data set?

The mode

Would you use mean mode median to average the points?

mean is the average of numbers in the data set mode is the most frequently occurring value in a data set and median is the middle number of the data set so you would use mean

What is the most frequently value in a data set?

It is the mode that occurs most frequently

What is ungrouped data?

The ________________ of the ungrouped data is the value that most frequently appears in a set of data.

The definition of mode in math?

Mode is the most frequently occurring value in a data set. See related link. Note that in statistics, the definition is related to the data collected. In probability, the definition is related to the probability distribution which describes the random variable.

In a stem and leaf diagram how do you find the modal average?

Once all of the data are displayed in the stem and leaf diagram it is simply a question of looking at the most frequently occurring value. By having the data arranged in an ordered list will make it easier to determine both the mode and median value.

What is the mode used as a measure of central tendency?

It is the data value that is observed most often.It is the data value that is observed most often.It is the data value that is observed most often.It is the data value that is observed most often.

What is meant by the standard deviation of a data set?

It is a measure of the spread of the data around its mean value.