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Q: What is the most selfies taken in a minute?
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Related questions

Are selfies being selfish to your friends and families?

If you're spending all your time taking photos of yourself, then yes, you're ignoring the people around you who you should be communicating with.

Why is nickelodeon always showing selfies?

Nickelodeon is always showing selfies to market its channel.

What does selfies fer days mean on Instagram?

Like the opposite of self sundays bc it means selfies everyday, not just one. High Moreover, it can also mean selfies all day or in the latino version, selfies all day everyday

Which is the best mobile to click selfies?

This remote shutter control allows you to take selfies with the click of a button.

What is selfies?

A selfie is a photo that one has taken of oneself. It's usually with a smartphone or webcam, and then uploaded to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or another social media website.

What are selfies?

they are pictures of people alone or with other people

How many selfies can you take in one day?

187 for me

Is slendaerman real?

He is real my friends took selfies with him in the woods

What does selfies mean?

When someone takes a picture of them selves, I assume..

What is the scientific term used to define the number of breaths taken per minute?

Respirations per minute.

Is this the golden age of selfies?

Generally, the term "golden age" isn't applied until the age in question has passed. So in a few years we might refer to this time as the "golden age" of selfies.

Why do girls like shirtless selfies?

Not all of them do, but it might have to do with sex appeal.