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Q: What is the probability of rolling a number greater than or equal to 8 with two dice given that at least one of the dice must show a 6?
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What is the probability of rolling a 5 and then rolling a number greater than or equal to 2 on a regular six sided die?

the answer is 4

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than or equal to 3?

The answer depends on what you are rolling: a number cube or some other shape? For a die, the answer is 2/3.

When rolling 2 dice what is the probability of rolling a number greater than 2?

Prob(Rolling a number greater than 2) = 1 - Prob(Not rolling a number greater than 2 on either die) = 1 - Prob(Rolling a number less than or equal to 2 on both dice) = 1 - Prob(Rolling a number less than or equal to 2 on a die)2 = 1 - (1/3)2 = 8/9

What is the probability of getting heads when flipping a coin and getting a number greater than or equal to 4 when rolling a die?

It is 0.25

What is the probability of getting a number greater than or equal to 5 when rolling a number cube numbered 1 to 6?

In one throw it is 1/3

What is the probability of rolling a number less than or equal to 12 when rolling two number cubes?

It is 1.

What is the probability of getting a number greater than or equal to 2 when rolling a number cube numbered 1 to 6?

Probability is a ratio written as the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of possible outcomes. On a six-sided number cube, there are 5 chances of getting a number greater than or equal to 2 (2,3,4,5,6) and 6 possible outcomes (1,2,3,4,5,6) so your probability would be 5/6.

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than or equal to eight with two dice given that a least one of the dice must show a 6?

It is 0.8181... recurring.

What is probability of rolling a number less than or equal to 2 on then number cube?

It is 1/3

What is the probability of rolling a number greater than or equal to 8 with the sum of two dice given that at least one of the dice must show a 6?


What is the probability of rolling an even number on an eight-sided die?

Assuming that there are an equal number of even and odd faces on the eight-sided die, then the probability of rolling an even number is simply 4 in 8, or 1 in 2, or 0.5.

What is the probability of not rolling a number larger than 4 with a fair die?

The probability of not rolling a number larger than 4 is the probability of rolling a number equal to 4 or lower: P(x≤4) = P(1) + P(2) + P(3) + P(4) = 4/6 = 2/3 = 0.6666... ≈ 66.7%