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The probability that one die will not be a 3 is 5/6

The probability that all will not be 3 is ((5/6)4)

If you roll 4 dice, there are 5 possible outcomes (for this problem).

There will be NO 3's, there will be one 3, there will be two 3's. there will be three 3's, or, there will be four 3's. Add all possible probabilities = 1. At least one meanse either 1,2,3, or 4 3's but NOT one.

So the prob of at least one = total prob - prob of NO

1- (5/6)4 = 1 - 625/1296

= 671/1296 <-- answer

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Q: What is the probability that at least one of the dice will roll three if you roll four dice at the same time?
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