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There is not enough information about the the distribution of the number of people known by each individual - nor the averages. It is therefore no possible to give an answer any more precise than "the probability will be infinitesimally small".

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Q: What is the probability that one randomly-selected person in America will know another randomly-selected person in America?
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What can you do to get the experimental probability to be closer to the theoretical probability?

The experimental probability is figured out when a person goes through the trouble of actually trying it out. Theoretical probability is when a person comes to a conclusion of what is most likely, based off of the experiment results.

What do you call a person that studies probability?

A mathematician or a statistician.

What is the probability of at least one birthday match among a group of 41 people?

The probability of at least 1 match is equivalent to 1 minus the probability of there being no matches. The first person's birthday can fall on any day without a match, so the probability of no matches in a group of 1 is 365/365 = 1. The second person's birthday must also fall on a free day, the probability of which is 364/365 The probability of the third person also falling on a free day is 363/365, which we must multiply by the probability of the second person's birthday being free as this must also happen. So for a group of 3 the probability of no clashes is (363*364)/(365*365). Continuing this way, the probability of no matches in a group of 41 is (365*364*363*...326*325)/36541 This can also be written 365!/(324!*36541) Which comes to 0.09685... Therefore the probability of at least one match is 1 - 0.09685 = 0.9032 So the probability of at least one match is roughly 90%

If the probability of getting identical is 0.004 while the probability of fraternal twins is 0.023 then what is the probability that a person chosen at random will not be a twin?

1- P(identical) - P(fraternal) =1-0.004-0.023 =0.973 The probability of being a identical or fraternal twin plus the probability of not being a twin has to add to 1. so 1- probability of being twins=probability of not being a twin ;-)

In one town 61 percent of adults have health insurance What is the probability that 8 adults selected at random from the town all have health insurance?

.61 ^ 8 = .0191707... = 1.92% And an informal proof/explanation: P(A and B) = P(A) * P(B), which means the probability of A and B = Probability of A times the probability of B. P(1st person and 2nd person) = P(1st person) * P(2nd person) P(1st person and 2nd person and 3rd person) = P(1st person) * P(2nd person) * P(3rd person) ... P(1st person) = P(2nd person) = ... = P(8th person) P(1st-8th people) = P(1st) * P(2nd) * ... * P(8th) = P(1st person) ^ 8 .61 ^ 8 = .0191707... = 1.92%

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What is probability of stopping drug addiction?

The answer will vary from one person to another, one drug to another, how long the addiction has lasted, the motivation for stopping.

What is the probability in an event that a male person will get pregnant mathematically?

The mathematical probability is 0.

What can you do to get the experimental probability to be closer to the theoretical probability?

The experimental probability is figured out when a person goes through the trouble of actually trying it out. Theoretical probability is when a person comes to a conclusion of what is most likely, based off of the experiment results.

Can a person who enter America on file and got deported reenter?

You can re enter after your ban period is over. But the probability is very less. You cannot enter if the ban is for lifetime.

Who is Bascal Paul?

+person who invented probability

What do you call a person that studies probability?

A mathematician or a statistician.

The probability of a person getting a cold is .7 What is the probability that 4 people if selected randomly will get a cold?

If the events can be considered independent then the probability is (0.7)4 = 0.24 approx.

Will someone please explain probablilityto you?

Probability, simply put, is the likelihood that something will occur. The easiest way to explain probability to someone is to use a hypothetical situation. For example, if a person whose usual size of jeans is 8 tries on a pair of size 8 jeans, the probability that they will fit is high. However, since sizes vary from one manufacturer to another, it is a probability rather than a certainty.

What is probability if getting picked out of 16 people?

If only one person is picked at random then the probability is 1/16 = 0.0625

Compute the probability given an event that a male person will get pregnant mathematically?

The probability that mathematics will make a male pregnant is zero!

What is the probability of choosing a person?

1 / total number of people

How might a person use probability in his or her job?

There are a lot of ways a person can use probability in his/her job. For example, People who bet on horse races use the odds and their knowledge to determine which horse will have the best chance of win,place,show Another example are poker players, quite often, you will see a percentage in the corner of your screen if you watch poker on TV