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If the events can be considered independent then the probability is (0.7)4 = 0.24 approx.

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Q: The probability of a person getting a cold is .7 What is the probability that 4 people if selected randomly will get a cold?
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What is the probability that in a randomly selected sample of 6 people exactly 4 of them are 65 approximately 0.2?

The answer would depend on the demographics of the population: a probability of 0.2 it too high unless the population is from a retirement area.

What is N is statistics?

The Population of the data set. If there was a study of 5000 people, 50 were randomly selected as a sample, then "N" would be 5000.

If 4 percent of people commute by bicycle and a person is selected randomly what is the odds against selecting someone who commutes by bicycle?

24 - 1

What are the odds of having kids with the same birthday but a different year?

In probability theory, the birthday problem, or birthday paradox[1] pertains to the probability that in a set of randomly chosen people some pair of them will have the same birthday. In a group of 10 randomly chosen people, there is an 11.7% chance. In a group of at least 23 randomly chosen people, there is more than 50% probability that some pair of them will both have been born on the same day. For 57 or more people, the probability is more than 99%, and it reaches 100% when the number of people reaches 367 (there are a maximum of 366 possible birthdays). The mathematics behind this problem leads to a well-known cryptographic attack called the birthday attack. See Wikipedia for more:

What is the minimum number of people randomly selected required to insure a 100 percent probability that at least two of them have the same birthday?

366 x 2 = 732 I don't think so. You might find that you would select 366 individuals with distinct birthdays. However, the next person would inevitably have the same birthday as one of those already selected. Therefore, the minimum number to select is 367.

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Must randomly select 5 people out of 26 what is the probability that the 5 youngest are selected?

It is approx 0.001824

What is the probability that one randomly-selected person in America will know another randomly-selected person in America?

There is not enough information about the the distribution of the number of people known by each individual - nor the averages. It is therefore no possible to give an answer any more precise than "the probability will be infinitesimally small".

About 9 percent of the population is hopelessly romantic If two people are randomly selected what is the probability both are hopelessly romantic?

The probability that both will be hopelessly romantic is .0081 .009^2 = .0081

What is the probability that in a randomly selected sample of 6 people exactly 4 of them are 65 approximately 0.2?

The answer would depend on the demographics of the population: a probability of 0.2 it too high unless the population is from a retirement area.

What is the probability that 4 randomly selected people all have different birthdays?

Let us assume that there are exactly 365 days in a year and that birthdays are uniformly randomly distributed across those days. First, what is the probability that 2 randomly selected people have different birthdays? The second person's birthday can be any day except the first person's, so the probability is 364/365. What is the probability that 3 people will all have different birthdays? We already know that there is a 364/365 chance that the first two will have different birthdays. The third person must have a birthday that is different from the first two: the probability of this happening is 363/365. We need to multiply the probabilities since the events are independent; the answer for 3 people is thus 364/365 × 363/365. You should now be able to solve it for 4 people.

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people eat chees often

Is the proportion of ill persons in a population the same as the probability that a random selected person in that population will have disease?

If I understand your question, yes, the proportion of people in a population ill with a certain disease at a given time is the same as the probablility that a randomly selected person in that population will have the disease at that time.

A class consists of 73 women and 18 men If a student is randomly selected what is the probability that the student is a man?

Since there are 73 Women, and 18 men, there are 91 people all together. The probability of the student being a man is 18 men out of the 91 total people. So, 18/91 or .1978.

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Approximately 10 percent of people are left-handed If two people are selected at random what is the probability that both are right handed?

The probability is approx 0.81

In a large population, 54 % of the people have been vaccinated. If 5 people are randomly selected, what is the probability that AT LEAST ONE of them has been vaccinated?

We will use Q and P to help solve this problem with Q representing the possibility that none of the randomly selected people are vaccinated and P representing the possibility that at least 1 randomly selected person is vaccinated. Because the sum of all probabilities must equal 1, your beginning equation will be P=1-Q. First you need to figure out how much of the population is NOT vaccinated so you would take 100%-54% to get 46%. With that 46%, you can conclude that any given person has the probability of 0.46 of not being vaccinated. To find the value for Q we will take (0.46)^5. Q=(0.46)^5=0.0206. To find P we go back to the original equation of P=1-Q. P=1-0.0206=0.9794. The probability that at least 1 person has been vaccinated is 0.9794.

What is the probability that two people selected at random have the same birthday?

1/365 = 0.00274