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the answer to thisquestion is 2/13

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Q: What is the probability that she chooses a red ace?
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What is the probability of picking a red ace out of a standard deck of cards?

The probability of pick a red ace out of a standard deck of cards would be 1/26 because there are two read aces, the ace of diamonds and the ace of hearts.

What is the probability of drawing a red number card from a deck of cards?

13 out of 52. _____________________ It should be 20 out of 52 if Ace is included as a number card. Not including ace the probability is 18 out of 52.

A card is picked at random from a standard deck What is the probability of a drawing card that is a red Ace?

Probability is the number of ways an event can occur divided by the number of total events. The number of ways a red ace can occur is 2 (ace of hearts, diamonds) and total number of events is 52 (standard deck has 52 cards). So the probability is 2/52 or 1/26.

In a standard deck of 52 playing cards what is the probability of not drawing an ace on one draw?

Probability of not drawing an ace equals one minus the probability of drawing an ace. The probability of drawing an ace is 4/52 or 1/13. So the probability of not drawing an ace on one draw is 1 - 1/13 or 12/13 or 0.9231 (92.31%).

What is a probability that the selected card will be an ace if one is missing?

The probability of drawing a Ace from a standard deck of 52 cards if one Ace is missing is 3 in 51, or about 0.05882. If the missing card is not an Ace, then the probability is 4 in 51, or about 0.07843.

What is the probability of an ace?

the answer is 4

What is the probability of drawing an ace or a diamond?

In a standard 52 card deck, the probability of drawing an ace is 1/13, and the probability of drawing a diamond is 1/4. The probability of drawing both an ace and a diamond is 1/52.Thus the probability of drawing an ace or a diamond is1/13 + 1/4 - 1/52 = 4/13 or about .308.

What is a hypothetical example in statistics?

A student must choose exactly two out of three electives: art, French, and mathematics. He chooses art with probability 5/8, French with probability 5/8, and art and French together with probability 1/4. What is the probability that he chooses mathematics? What is the probability that he chooses either art or French?

What is the probibilty of picking a red card a king and a ace in a 52 card deck?

If you pick enough cards, the probability is 1.

What is the probability of drawing a ace of spades?

there are 52 card and there is only 4 aces out of which only 1 ace of spade, so the probability of drawing ace of spade is 1 out of 52 or 1/52.

What is the probability of picking a black ace?

The probability of picking a black ace in one random draw from a normal pack of playing cards is 1/26.

Draw a single card from a 52 card deck and not an ace?

Probability not ace is 1 minus probability of an ace which is 4/52. So, 1 - 4/52 is 48/52 or 12/13.