Risk is defined as "A possibility of incurring loss or misfortune". So that means it doesn't always happen, which implies that it will happen a certain percentage of the time. This percentage is also known as the probability of it occurring, which means if you know the probability of the risk happening you can do a lot of things with it, such as find the expected value of the risk :)
If you were just told that it was possible that your house would burn down tomorrow, you wouldn't know what to expect, because you don't know the probability of this happening, but if you're told that something will happen with a 50% or even an 80% probability, you'll take the event more seriously.
If the probability of an event is p, then the complementary probability is 1-p.
An exposure consist of the potential financial effect of an event multiplied by its probability of occurrence and risk is with probability of occurrence. Thus an exposure is a risk times its financial consequences.
The power of a test is 1 minus the probability of a Type II error.
If events A and B are statistically indepnedent, then the conditional probability of A, given that B has occurred is the same as the unconditional probability of A. In symbolic terms, Prob(A|B) = Prob(A).
Probability is used to answer questions in the category of Statistics. Probability is a basic statistic that gives numeric value to the questions; Will a specific event occur? or How certain are you that it will occur. Probability of rolling a 3 on a 6-sided die is 1/6.
There is no relationship between sequences and probability.
What is the symbol for a Probability of success in a binomial trial?
If the probability of an event is p, then the complementary probability is 1-p.
There is no direct relationship between degrees of freedom and probability values.
They are the same. The full name is the Probability Distribution Function (pdf).
They are both branches of mathematics.
An exposure consist of the potential financial effect of an event multiplied by its probability of occurrence and risk is with probability of occurrence. Thus an exposure is a risk times its financial consequences.
The risk associated with an event is the product of the probability of the event occurring and the hazard associated with the event.
The relative frequency is an estimate of the probability of an event.
risk is pre-stage for return...
no relationship