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If she would have powerpoint then I would not have to Google all these questions just like everyone else is doing.......

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Q: What is the rough percentage of males who make up congress?
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The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes on its surface. This is what make is "rough"

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Of course, the cherry blossom is suitable for males....Ask any rough and tough samurai they revered the cherry blossom for their perfection....Dont sweat it a flower of any type tattooed on you is not gonna make you any less of a man.....In fact it will only make you more so....After all it is a tattoo............Hope this helps.........TatuBaron

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The purpose of Congress is to make laws.

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The Congress' main duty is to make and pass laws.

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by knoting it

What does the rough endoplasmic riticulum do?

Rough ER is rough because it has ribosomes bound to it that's used to make proteins for secretion. It also modifies proteins to make glycoproteins (proteins with carbs attached to them).

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Some improvements for the demographics of Congress could include implementing term limits to allow for more turnover and diversity, creating campaign finance reforms to make running for office more accessible to people from different backgrounds, and implementing measures to address systemic barriers to entry for underrepresented groups in politics.