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About 80 % of them start losing it

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Q: What percentage of men over 30 years start loosing their hair?
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Do gerbils lose hair?

Gerbils may start to shed when the weather gets warmer. Other that that, gerbils should not loose hair unless they are sick. If a gerbil is loosing hair, it could be very sick.

What happened to ne yo's hair?

he started loosing his hair at the age of 15 because all the men in his family starts loosing their hairs pretty early.

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It was funny he was loosing hair ...

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When do you start growing chin hair?

16 years old

Is Ariana Grande losing her hair?

Ariana Grande did not cry at the Grammys and now her hair is healthy but yes before she was loosing hair thats why she had extenstions

Why is it bad for animal to have fur colour?

its like dying your hair just for animals and dying your hair can add up to loosing hair and its bad for your healthy hair and the same for a dog

What stage of puberty does hair grow under arms for boys?

About 1-2 years after you start puberty, you start to grow hair under your arms and around your genitals.

Is your cat losing hair because he is kept indoors?

no it's loosing hair because it's under stress or not getting enough sleep.

Losing a lot of hair at age 14?

You could be loosing hair for a lot of reasons, diet, hormones, medication, ect. You should talk to your doctor.

How long does it take for baby hamsters to get hair?

they normally start developing hair around puberty at around 16 years old

When do women start growing hair on their private parts?

Puberty-around pre-teen years