You should round up because you want to make sure you have enough money. It wouldn't be good if you rounded down and didn't have enough money to pay.
It is 2.2 L.Although many schools teach you to round 5 up, always rounding up from 5 is inappropriate because it introduces an upward bias. The IEEE (Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers) standard 754 is to round 5 up or down so that the new last digit is even. See link for more: //
660. remember when rounding to the nearest ten your lowest non zero number will be in the tens place and you will look at the ones place to decide whether or not to round up. If the ones place is 5 or above, round up in the tens place. If the ones place is 0-4 keep the remaining tens place number.
Round down
As it ends with a 3, if rounding to the nearest 10, it will round down to 610. If you are rounding to the nearest hundred, then the 1 in the tens position will make it round down to 600. If rounding to the nearest 1000, it would round up to 1000, as there is a 6 in the hundreds position. So it depends on what you are rounding to.
Rounding in Visual Basic is the method of rounding an integer up, or flooring an integer, which is rounding down. To round up, you use the System.Math.Round function. To round down, or floor, you use the System.Math.Floor function.
that depends, are you talking money wise, then rounding up might be best, but technically you would round it down, sine its below 21.5.
No, 4 goes down. When rounding anything less than five you round down. When rounding anything five or more you round up. 4 is less than 5 so you round down. Rounding 4 down would be 0.
Students round down or round up and then adjust their estimate depending on how much rounding affected the original values.
To round to the nearest whole number, round down to 60. To round to the nearest hundred, round up to 100.
You look at 5 and see if its a rounding number if it is you round up to 0.48 if its not a rounding number you round down to 0.47
The digit immediately to the right of the one you are rounding to.
Rounding is always the same, if your rounding. Less than 5 round down, more than or equal to 5, round up.
It depends on what you are rounding to. If rounding to the nearest ten, the 9 at the end decides which way to round it, and being a 9, it rounds up. If rounding to the nearest hundred, it was is the 7. If rounding up to the nearest thousand, it is the 8.
The smallest that will round up is 650. The smallest that will round down is 701.