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Metadata is "data about data". There are two "metadata types;" structural metadata, about the design and specification of data structures or "data about the containers of data"; and descriptive metadata about individual instances of application data or the data content.

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Q: Which of these is an example of a type of technology used to collect data-?
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Chantel has decided to use only quantitative data in her study Which is an example of the type of information she may collect?

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Experimental data. Information about what conditions are present when measured or observed.

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Input is something that can be sent to the computer. An example for an input device would be a keyboard, you type things on the keyboard and that data is input into the computer.

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Data Type defines the type of data that will be stored. Example : int, byte, short etc

What type of biologists is least likely to collect data by controlled experiments?

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What type of biologist is least likely to collect data by doing controlled experiments?

evolutionary biologist

What defines a data type?

the type of data which we store in a variable.. example: int a=10; /*here a is variable (data) which is of type int and stores a value 10.*/

What type of data is an example of The number of dimples on a golf ball?

Discreet data.