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All Gaussian (Normal) distributions are the same apart from two parameters: the mean and variance. Variables are standardised so as to remove the location effect (of the mean) and the scale effect (of the variance). Then, you need only one table that gives the value of the area under the curve. Otherwise you would need a separate table for each value of the mean and each value of the variance.

The Gaussian curve is not easy to integrate from scratch, and the fact that the standard Normal distribution has been tabulated is immensely valuable to statisticians.

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Q: Why do you standardize normal random variables to find the area under any normal curve?
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What is the basis for the normal curve?

The central limit theorem: the arithmetic mean of a sufficient number of independent random variables with means and variances will be a normal random variable. It's just that lots of natural phenomena are like this, or appear to be sufficiently like this. Please see the wikipedia article for more details.

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The standard normal curve is symmetrical.

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No, the normal curve is not the meaning of the Normal distribution: it is one way of representing it.

Define a normal random variable?

I have included two links. A normal random variable is a random variable whose associated probability distribution is the normal probability distribution. By definition, a random variable has to have an associated distribution. The normal distribution (probability density function) is defined by a mathematical formula with a mean and standard deviation as parameters. The normal distribution is ofter called a bell-shaped curve, because of its symmetrical shape. It is not the only symmetrical distribution. The two links should provide more information beyond this simple definition.

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It is a normal curve with mean = 0 and variance = 1.

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the standard normal curve 2

What is random distribution in biology?

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