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Voluntary response sample is not generally suitable for statistical study because its results are not likely to be the representative of the entire population under study.Such results could be biased as those who made effort to respond voluntary have strong feelings or opinions whether favorable or unfavorable regarding the subject of consideration.

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Q: Why is a voluntary response sample not suitable for a statistical study?
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Related questions

Are all voluntary response sample bad sample?

No they aren't.

Why is a voluntary response sample generally unsuitable for methods of statistic?

People with a special interest are more likely to respond, so the sample is likely to be biased.

What is an example of Voluntary Response Sample?

An example of voluntary response sample would be when a radio talk-show decides to run a call-in survey on a controversial topic, such as gun control. The most likely callers are going to be people with the strongest opinions, thus the sample that results from the survey is going to over-represent those very people.

What is a definition for voluntary response sample?

Voluntary response samples are things like mail-out surveys. The participants could choose to participate or not. This causes some forms of bias, because the only participants usually have strong opinions on the subject. People who care less are less likely to respond, leaving them out of the demographic.

Why is obtaining a representative sample important?

Many statistical statements for a population which are based on a sample are not valid if the sample is not representative.

What is a good statistical sample size percentage?

+or- 5%

What difference between Statistical Sampling and non-statistical sampling?

Statistical sampling is an objective approach using probability to make an inference about the population. The method will determine the sample size and the selection criteria of the sample. The reliability or confidence level of this type of sampling relates to the number of times per 100 the sample will represent the larger population. Non-statistical sampling relies on judgment to determine the sampling method,the sample size,and the selection items in the sample.

What is the process for calculating the sample average approximation in statistical analysis?

To calculate the sample average approximation in statistical analysis, you add up all the values in the sample and then divide by the total number of values in the sample. This gives you the average value of the sample, which is an approximation of the overall average for the entire population.

Why does a statistical sample have to be large?

The larger the sample of data collected leads to a more accurate conclusion.

What sample is selected based on the opinion of the analyst and results used to make inferences only about those items in sample?

statistical sample

What is the most common statistical approaches is to what the sample data IN EXCEL?


What can statistical reasoning help us to generalize correctly from?

A Sample to a Population