There are many times where you may highly agree or disagree on a subject. If you are talking with someone about a topic, you may choose to stay neutral, or agree or disagree with what is being said.
It is information collected about entities. Both these terms are vague and this is because the type of information as well as the entity, which the information refers to, can be so varied.The type of information can becategorical, for example, colour of eyes, or pet,ordinal, for example, small / medium / large, or strongly agree / agree / disagree / strongly disagree, highest level of qualification;discrete quantity: number of rooms in house, age (in years), number of worms in a square metre of land;continuous quantity: mass, height, time taken to run 100 metres.The observation units (entities) can be people, trees, countries, diseases, galaxies.You can have one observation each about many entities but also more than one observations about a single entity, or a single observation about a single entity.
law (as in newton's 3rd law)
When x and y values of points agree in a linear relationship
Not all statisticians would agree that the statement is true.
546,000 rounded to the nearest 100 thousand is 500,000 P.S if you agree give it a like.
The Likert Scale
mainly choose the best answer to ur knowledge an when u get to the agree/disagree questions mainly pick strongly agree/strongly disagree and if ur not sure pick the choice neither disagree/agree
following rules: strongly agree decorating your room: strongly disagree fast runner: neutral (wind clan are fast) defending class mate: agree keeping to your self: disagree trying again: strongly agree swimming in summer: strongly disagree staying up at night: neutral you snooze you lose: neutral sneaking up on friends: strongly agree (thunder can are good stalkers) board games and cross words: disagree in the air: strongly agree (thunder can like the air) first on roller coaster: strongly agree (they are brave) owning a boat: strongly disagree (river clan) color black: strongly agree (attracts the sun they like the sun) loyalty: strongly agree
Disagree is the prefix of agree.
Agree and disagree are antonyms.
women in war are agree or disagree briefly explain why agree or disagree?
"I agree to disagree" means that two parties acknowledge that they hold different opinions on a matter but choose to accept this difference and move on without further argument or conflict. It implies a respectful way of acknowledging differing viewpoints.
What you do not agree with is something with which you disagree.
they disagree