The regulation distance from the ground to the top of the rim is 10 feet for all levels of play. Regulation backboards are 6 feet wide (72 inches) by 42 inches tall. All Basketball rims (hoops) are 18 inches in diameter.
A regulation sized basketball is 29.5 inches. A 10 and under size basketball is 28.5. 28.5 is also the regulation size for women's basketball.
The top of the hoop is 10 feet above and perpendicular to the floor.
The center circle on an NBA regulation basketball court has a circumference of 37.7 feet (37 feet 8.4 inches).
The size of an NBA court is 94 feet long by 50 feet wide.
Professional basketball hoops are usually 10 feet (3.05 m) from the floor.
10 feet from the floor to the top of the goal (hoop).
8 ft is the official NBA height from floor to the rim.
10 feet from the top of the rim.
Basketball hoops that the NBA use are ten feet high; however, basketball hoops on playgrounds and other places as such are shorter. Basketball ball hoops can also be bought in adjustable sizes.
9 feet 6 17/32 inches.
Ten feet; from the floor immediately below, to the top of the goal.
The hoops are the same height as a normal basketball hoop is.