The name for a solid shape made out of that specific arrangement of hexagons and pentagons is known as a 'truncated icosohedron'.
Once fully inflated, a ball is typically spherical in shape. So the geometric name would be a sphere.
Under the IFAB's Laws of the Game, Law 2 states that the ball is spherical (a sphere, or three-dimensional circle). In practice, a perfect sphere is difficult to achieve with available materials at a reasonable cost, so soccer balls are manufactured to be approximately spherical.
The traditional pattern with white hexagon and black pentagon patches sewn together is technically called a "spherical truncated icosahedron". However, this description can be deceptive because the faces are rounded and convex, not flat as in a proper truncated icosahedron, due to the internal air pressure of the ball. As a result, the hexagon patches are not regular hexagons (the three sides touching black pentagons are slightly shorter), which causes this pattern to defy a perfect geometric description, leaving only approximations to describe it.
Many other patch patterns are possible and several of them have become quite common, including those resembling a volleyball and numerous other regular and irregular tilings, patterns, and colors. In short, because of these variations and the discussion of the truncated icosahedron above, it is sufficient to describe the soccer ball as a sphere for all practical purposes.
The shape of a soccer ball is a sphere. The stitching pattern of a traditional ball is that of a truncated icosahedron cocentric with the sphere with the pattern projected onto the sphere.
Pentagons are black, hexagons are white.
A sphere.
The center of mass of a soccer ball is its geometric center.
A sphere.
geodesic dome
A regulation soccer ball is comprised of both hexagons and pentagons.
A circle.
ball sack
it represents a persons head in a ball shape!
Anyone who wants to (including me!) That is in good shape and can kick a soccer ball !