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Q: How has elliptical geometry changed the way maps are measured?
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Related questions

Have maps changed over the years?

Yes, maps have changed over the years. People are currently using the digital maps in this digital age.

Did the Mexican American War change?

It changed maps. it changed people. It changed the political landscape of the world.

How have maps changed throughout history?

Yes in Mesopotamia it was their brain knowledge and know it is maps. You suck

What are some ways to get proof of the difference between a mile and a kilometer?

Most maps are measured in both. Google maps has a scale of both.

Have maps of hong kong changed since 1941?

No. Maps made in 1941 remain the same as when they were made. They are, however, different to modern maps.

Do binweevils still have the crown?

not anymore because they changed the maps

Did Ferdinand Magellan discovery change the maps?

Yes, he proved that there was a westward route from china to India that changed everyone's maps

Porque los mapas fueron cambiando?

Because the maps were changed.

Have maps changed over time?

Yes, with time maps change to include more accurate data and include more places.

What were the political consequenses of the Mexican-American War?

It changed the maps of both countries.

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Why has the geographic position of Australia changed?

It hasn't changed unless you mean continental drift, which applies to all continents. It looks different in old maps because it wad much more difficult to make accurate maps in those days