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There are 24 x 60 = 1440 minutes in one day (24 hours)

Therefore there are 1440 meridians at one minute intervals.

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Q: How many meridian drawn on the globe spaced at one minute interval?
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What is an imaginary line drawn throughout the earth from the north to south pole?

The prime meridian

What line of longitgitude forms the other half of the prime meridian?

The Prime Meridian is complete just the way it's drawn on maps or globes. It's not missing anything. When the Prime Meridian is joined with the 180° meridian of longitude, the combination forms a single, complete great-circle.

Which line of longitude forms a great circle with the Prime meridian?

The International Date Line forms a great circle with the Prime Meridian. A great circle is the largest possible circle that can be drawn around a sphere.

Which meridian runs along the international date line?

The International Date Line runs roughly along the 180° longitude, (opposite the Prime Meridian), but it is drawn with diversions to pass around some territories and islands.

What are meridian?

A Meridian or Meridian Line is an imaginary line drawn between two points. In geography these two points are an imaginary arc on the earths surface from the North to the South Poles. In astronomy it is an imaginary circle in a perpendicular plane to those planes of the celestial equator and horizon.

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Where would the prime meridian and international dateline be placed on a world map?

The prime meridian is located at 0 degrees longitude and passes through Greenwich, England. The international dateline is located at 180 degrees longitude and is opposite the prime meridian, roughly along the 180th meridian in the Pacific Ocean.

What imaganary line was drawn down the middle of the pacific?

The international date line roughly follows the 180o meridian down the middle of the pacific ocean.

What is north and south meridian and east west parallel?

They are imaginary lines drawn on spheres such as the earth, sun, moon, planets to simplify the location of points of interest.

What are lines of longitude and which ways do they run?

lines of longitude are lines drawn north and south and measure east and west a famous line of longitude is the Prime meridian