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Q: Sometimes you'll need to more complicated exponential equations before using the strategies you learned?
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Related questions

How do you simplify exponential equations?


Can computer solve exponential function?

Do you mean "equations involving exponential functions"? Yes,

What is an equation with only variables?

There is no specific name. It could be a linear or more complicated polynomial equations, it could be trigonometric, exponential or any one of many other types. It could be a combination of these

What property is use to solve simple exponential equations?


What is standard form for exponential equations?

y=a(bx) is the standard form

What are the advantages of using equations?

Equations make complicated math procedures easier to accomplish and simpler to understand.

What is the classification of a system of equations?

The answer will depend on what kinds of equations: there are linear equations, polynomials of various orders, algebraic equations, trigonometric equations, exponential ones and logarithmic ones. There are single equations, systems of linear equations, systems of linear and non-linear equations. There are also differential equations which are classified by order and by degree. There are also partial differential equations.

Passport to Advanced Math (28%)?

Key topics:Quadratic and exponential functions.Polynomials and radicals.Manipulating complex equations.

Definition to exponential equations?

An exponential equation is one in which a variable occurs in the exponent.An exponential equation in which each side can be expressed interms of the same base can be solved using the property:If the bases are the same, set the exponents equal.

What are some complex equations for 17?

Complex equations? Do you mean complicated equations whose solution is 17, - or equations with complex (non-real) coefficients or solutions? If you can explain, please resubmit your question.

Do equations have solutions?

Equations do have solutions, sometimes they may be a little difficult to figure out.

How do you solve 5 times 186x equals 26 using exponential equations with logarithms?

that is supposes to be 18 to the 6x power