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Lake Okeechobee - Surface area: 730 square miles.

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Q: How many sq miles are in Lake Okeechobee?
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The Top 10 Largest Lakes in North America, as stated by Nation Master are: 1. Lake Superior, Canada/United States - 82,410 km2 (31,820 sq miles) 2. Lake Huron, Canada/United States - 59,600 km2 (23,010 sq miles) 3. Lake Michigan, Canada/United States - 57,080 km2 (22,040 sq miles) 4. Great Bear Lake, Canada - 31,000 km2 (12,000 sq miles) 5. Great Slave Lake, Canada - 28,930 km2 (11,170 sq miles) 6. Lake Erie, Canada/United States - 25,700 km2 (9,930 sq miles) 7. Lake Winnipeg, Canada - 23,550 km2 (9,094 sq miles) 8. Lake Ontario, Canada/United States - 19,500 km2 (7,520 sq miles) 9. Athabaska Lake, Canada 7,920 km2 (3,058 sq miles) 10. Reindeer Lake, Canada 6,330 km2 (2,444 sq miles)

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