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Four. 4 = square of 2 Double of 4 = 8.... 8 is cube of 2

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Q: It is a number other than zero Its a square of a natural number Its double is the cube of that number What is it?
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Is the square root of 25 a natural number?

The positive square root is.

Is square root 100 a natural number?

One of them is, the other is not.

What is a 3 digit number that has a middle number that is double the other two which are square numbers?


How do you make the square number small than the other number?

Select the other number so that it is bigger than the square number!

What sort of number is 121?

It is a natural number. It is a positive integer. It is a positive rational number. It is a positive real number. It is a perfect square. It is a three digit integer. It is a palindromic integer. Probably many other sorts.

Is the reciprocal of each natural number a natural number?

No - the ONLY natural number which has a reciprocal which is also a natural number is "1". All the other reciprocals of natural numbers will be fractions that are less than 1.

The square of 5 is 25 The square of another number is also 25 what is the other number?

The other number is -5.

What number is an even square number?

Any even number you square will give you a even square number =)

How is the number of factors of square numbers different from the number of factors for other numbers?

Square numbers have an odd number of factors.

How do you square a 5 digit number?

Same as you would square any other number - multiply it by itself.

What is a square number between 1 and 4?

There is no perfect square number between 1 and 4. On the other hand, every number is a square - or its square roots.

When using a calculator to find the square root what are the steps?

On some calculators, you press the number, then you press the key for square root. On other calculators - the more modern ones - there is a more natural input: you press the key for square root, then the number, and finally the equal sign to indicate you won't add anything else to the calculation.