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You should ask one of the guards "If I asked the other guard which fountain to drink from, what would he tell me?"

Then, you should drink from the fountain that was notgiven in the answer to the question. The lying guard tells you the poisonous one, as that is not what the truthful one would say. The truthful guard also says the poisonous one, because that is what the lying guard would tell you. Because of the compulsion to lie or tell the truth, neither one can tell you the correct one to drink from. But you can still get your water.

This is a form of the Liar's Paradox and is represented by three other questions linked below.

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Q: There are 2 fountains 1 poisonous 1 water There are also 2 guards 1 always lies and 1 always tells the truth To get a drink of water what one question should you ask them?
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