2 s means 2 times s and t b means t times b
2 seats on a tandem bicycle
2 x b x t x a x c to the power 2
2 blank tiles in Scrabble.
Use the formula a^2 - b^2 = (a -b)(a + b). So: t^2 - (t - 1)^2 = [t - (t -1)][t + (t -1)] Now you can work and simplify the given expression. =(t - t +1)(t + t -1) =(1)(2t -1) = 2t -1
b i t c h e s aint s h i t but tricks and h o e s
The proof of this theorem is by contradiction. Suppose for convex sets S and T there are elements a and b such that a and b both belong to S∩T, i.e., a belongs to S and T and b belongs to S and T and there is a point c on the straight line between a and b that does not belong to S∩T. This would mean that c does not belong to one of the sets S or T or both. For whichever set c does not belong to this is a contradiction of that set's convexity, contrary to assumption. Thus no such c and a and b can exist and hence S∩T is convex.
This is a rude acronym.
If the sides of the triangle are a, b and c and the length is d, then, area of triangular cross section t = sqrt[s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)] square units where s = (a+b+c)/2 and then total area = 2*t + (a+b+c)*d suare units = 2t + 2sd square units.
what mean of this question mail me my email address M I S I S U O Y B H T A E R Y email address is afteryoume@yahoo.com
2 heads are better than one
T S B Sally was born on 1924-03-18.
eqb constant k For a general EQN A+B=S+T the equilibrium constant can be defined by[1] k={S}{T}/{A}{B} {S} = MOLAR CONC. OF S{T} = MOLAR CONC. OF T{A} = MOLAR CONC. OF A{B} = MOLAR CONC. OF B
S-U-B-S-T-I-T-U-T-E :)