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Although you said "cylinder," if you drill a hole through the center of a sphere, the shape of the volume you drill out is not a perfect cylinder. It looks more like a medicine capsule, a cylinder with convex end caps. The volume of a sphere = (4/3)*pi*r3, and the volume of a cylinder = pi*r2*h, where r is the radius and h is the height. So, the volume you're looking for is the volume of the sphere minus the volume of the cylinder minus the volume of the two end caps = (4/3)*pi*r3 - pi*r2*h - volume of the end caps. It requires calculus to determine the volume of the end caps. Keith Devlin of the Mathematical Association of America provides an outstanding explanation of this problem, including the computation of the end caps. See the nearby link. Keith's result is given as 4/3 * h^3. Should be 4/3 * pi * h^3. In other words, the same volume of a sphere of diameter h.

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Q: What is the formula for calculating the volume of a sphere that has had a cylinder removed?
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Why are there two different formulas for calculating a cylinder and a sphere?

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What is the realationaship between a sphere and cylinder?

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(4/3)*pi*r^3 pi is constant 3.14, r is radius of the sphere.

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V=4/3*Pi*r3 where r is the radius.

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The formula for calculating the volume of a sphere is 4/3 pi r3. If your sphere has a radius of 3 cm, you can expect it to have a volume of about 113 cubic centimeters.

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What is the relationship between the volume formula for a sphere and the volume formula for a cylinder?

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What was Archimedes discovery about sphere and cylinder?

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4/3 *PI* r3 The formula was first derived by Archimedes, who showed that the volume of a sphere is 2/3 that of a circumscribed cylinder.

What is the difference between cylinder and a sphere?

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