Ethiopia (Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia) - 426,371 square miles.
Distance from Sudan to Ethiopia is 1194.67 kilometres
33800 miles
One Large lake in Ethiopia is Lake Tana.
On a straight line path the total distance from Chicago Illinois to Addis Ababa Ethiopia is 7565 miles or 6573 nautical miles.
935,183 sq miles
Ethiopia has a total area of 1,127,127 square kilometers (935,183 square miles), rendering it slightly less than twice the size of Texas.
Ethiopia is much bigger than Somalia Ethiopia has a land area of 426,371 square miles, whilst Somalia is only 246,201 square miles. The population of Ethiopia is approx 79 million, whilst Somalia is approx 9 million.
Canada, with an area of 9,976,140Km2 is just under 9 times the size of Ethiopia.
It is 17000 from England
About 7500 miles and About 12200 km
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to JerusalemDistance is 2543 kilometers or 1580 miles or 1373 nautical miles