1643 acres to be exact
Connecticut has a land area of 3,100,544 acres.
Connecticut covers a land area of 3,100,544 acres.
CT covers 3,547,520 acres.
New London County, Connecticut is 494,000 acres.
According to the USDA's 2002 census of agriculture - 41.4% of US land is used for farming. Included in what is considered "farmed land" is land that is cropland, pasturland, woodland, and land in house lots, ponds, roads, wasteland etc. Of the 938.28 million acres that are included in the 41.4% farmland, 434.16 million acres are cropland (46.3% of farmland). Of the 434.16 million acres of cropland, 302.7 are harvested cropland. For the full accounting see Answer submitted by Carrie - a librarian in Washington County Maryland.
In Connecticut, land must be at least 3 acres and used for agricultural purposes in order to be considered a farm for property tax purposes.
15% of georgia is cropland.
Yes, most of the Amazon Basin is cropland.
.97 acres.