Iowa, it's a bigger state.
Iowa County in Iowa covers approximately 588 square miles, which is equivalent to around 376,320 acres.
Connecticut covers an area totaling 3,547,520 acres.
Iowa, Illinois,Indiana, Kansas,and North Dakota have only cropland for land use
According to the USDA's 2002 census of agriculture - 41.4% of US land is used for farming. Included in what is considered "farmed land" is land that is cropland, pasturland, woodland, and land in house lots, ponds, roads, wasteland etc. Of the 938.28 million acres that are included in the 41.4% farmland, 434.16 million acres are cropland (46.3% of farmland). Of the 434.16 million acres of cropland, 302.7 are harvested cropland. For the full accounting see Answer submitted by Carrie - a librarian in Washington County Maryland.
According to, Iowa has a land area of 55,869.36 square miles, and a total (land and water) area of 56,271.55. According to Google, the conversion rate is 640 acres per square mile, so (if my calculator is working) that's 35,756,390.4 acres of land and 36,013,792 acres total. --Erin Kiley
15% of georgia is cropland.
Lake Red Rock in Marion County is the major lake in Iowa. Its surface area is approximately 15,000 acres.
The web address of the Heartland Acres Agribition Center is:
Yes, most of the Amazon Basin is cropland.