Japan is 145,925 sq miles (377,944 km²).
Japan - (145,925 sq miles) (377,944 sq km)
The Sea of Japan is 977,980 km²
Japan covers 377,944 km².
377,873 square km.377,873,000,000 square meters
About 375,000 square km
Around about 3,734908542 square km.
Japan covers an area of 377,944 km2
377 835 km²
Ukraine's area is about 603,628 km²
It is 364,485 sq km.
Canada has a total area of 9,984,670 km square (3,854,085 sq mile) and Japan's total area is 377,944 km square (145,925 sq mile) meaning Canada is fair deal larger than Japan in terms of land. However, the population of Canada is roughly 34,116,000 people whereas Japan has a population of about 127,380,000. So as you can see, Japan has a much larger population than Canada.