Japan - (145,925 sq miles) (377,944 sq km)
Yes, they are nearly identical: Japan's area is 145,940 square miles while Montana's area is 147,040 square miles.
The area of Japan is 145,925 sq. mi.
Yes, Japan has a total area of 145,925 square miles and Alaska has a total area of 663,268 square miles.
378,000 square kilometers Source: http://www.worldwide-tax.com/japan/jappopulation.asp
Japan is about the size of Montana.
Japan - 145,925 total area, of which 144,757.6 square miles is land.
Japan is significantly larger than Vancouver Island. Japan has a total area of approximately 377,975 square kilometers, while Vancouver Island has a total area of around 32,134 square kilometers.
Japan . japan is the 62nd biggest country. Ireland is the 119th biggest country.
Japan is a group of 6852 islands located in the western Pacific Ocean. The total land area is 377,944 square kilometers or 145,925 square miles.
Montana has total area of 147,040 square miles which includes 145,546 square miles of land. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that the estimated population in Montana was 1,042,520 as of July 1, 2016.
Hokkaido, Japan's area is 32,222 sq miles (83,454 km²).