17,462 square miles
Estonia's land area is 17,500 square miles (45,300 square kilometers).
Benin is 44K square miles, Denmark is 43K square km, Estonia is 45K square km.
Its area is 338 424,38 km², it's length is 1160 km and it's about 540km wide. For the comparison, Finland fits about 40 times to Australia.
The area of Estonia is 45,227 square km, (not the Republic itself).
45 227
the area of Florida is 65,795 in square miles
china's area in square miles is 1,100,100 miles square.
Haiti has an area of approximately 10,714 square miles.
Florida's land area is 53,997 square miles.
The total land area of Egypt is approximately 385,229 square miles.
Twelve square miles is the area.