Sacramento, CA has an area of about 99.2 sq miles.
Sacramento is larger based on total area. Santiago is larger based on population. Santiago, Chile has a population of 6,158,000 and total area of 247 square miles. Sacramento, California has a population of 485,000 and total area of 259 square miles.
Sacramento, California, USA - 99.2 square miles.
The area of Sacramento Municipality is 168.8 square kilometers.
The area of Sacramento Zoo is 57,870.04684032001 square meters.
The area of Sacramento is approximately 259 square kilometers.
The population density of the Sacramento metropolitan area is approximately 1,750 people per square mile.
The population density of Sacramento metropolitan area is 119.5 people per square kilometer.
The area of Bidwell-Sacramento River State Park is 1,412,352.8914176 square meters.
The area of Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge is 41.059 square kilometers.
the area of Florida is 65,795 in square miles
china's area in square miles is 1,100,100 miles square.