Area: 145,903 sq mi
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Area: 145,903 sq mi
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Area: 145,903 sq mi
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Area: 145,903 sq mi
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Area: 145,903 sq mi
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Area: 145,903 sq mi
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Area: 145,903 sq mi
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Tokyo's area is 844.66 square miles.
Tokyo Metropolitan prefecture, has a total area of 2168 square kilometers (837 square miles).
The area of Western Tokyo is 1,169.49 square kilometers.
The average depth of the Tokyo Bay is approximately 40 meters, which is about 130 feet. The surface area is 150 square kilometers, which is approximately 58 square miles.
The area of Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tokyo is 7,316 square kilometers.
in population, Mubai, India, with 13, 830, 884 people. In area, Tokyo, Japan, 4345 square miles.
the area of Florida is 65,795 in square miles
china's area in square miles is 1,100,100 miles square.
Haiti has an area of approximately 10,714 square miles.
Florida's land area is 53,997 square miles.
The total land area of Egypt is approximately 385,229 square miles.
Twelve square miles is the area.