Vermont has a total area of 9,616 square miles including 9,216 square miles of land. It is the 45th largest state based on total area and the 43rd largest state based on total land area.
It has an area of 9,620 square miles.
The area of Burlington, Vermont is approximately 15.5 square miles.
It is 9,615 miles wide.Vermont has a total area of 9,616 square miles including 9,216 square miles of land.
It is 10.3 square miles.
Vermont has a total area of 9,616 square miles and is the 45th largest state based on total area. Delaware has total area of 2,488 square miles and is the 49th largest U.S. state based on total area. Vermont has 7,128 more square miles of area than Delaware.
Burlington's (VT) area is 15.48 square miles.
Vermont is larger than Delaware based on area. Vermont has a total area of 9,616 square miles and is the 45th largest state based on total area. Delaware has total area of 2,488 square miles and is the 49th largest U.S. state based on total area. Vermont has 7,128 more square miles of area than Delaware.
In terms of land area, Virginia is bigger with 42,774.2 square miles, whereas Vermont is only 9,620 square miles.
It is 721 square miles.
The University of Vermont covers an area of 450 acres or 0.703125 square miles.
Vermont ranks 45th in size with 9,614.26 square miles.