1200 to 2359
One minute to midnight
No, 2359 can be divided by 7. 2359 / 7 = 337
There is no such time as '3000'. The 24 hour clock has a maximum time of 2359. ( One minute to midnight). 2400/0000 (midnight) is not used because of possible confusion over the day/date. The 24 hour clock times are from '0001' to '2359' . This includes '1215'.
In military time, 2140 is equivalent to 9:40 PM in standard time. Military time is a 24-hour clock system where the day starts at midnight (0000 hours) and ends at 2359 hours. To convert military time to standard time, you simply subtract 12 hours if the time is after noon.
2359=11:59 pm
2359/60= 147.4375
One minute to midnight. At midnight it becomes 0000 again.
'0000' is NEVER used as military or civilian time. Becasue it can be used as '2400' , and to avoid confusion regarding the day/date. One the 24 hour clock , the earliest/latest times are 0001/2359 respetively.
One minute to midnight. At midnight it becomes 0000 again.
One minute to midnight. At midnight it becomes 0000 again.
Military time in English speaking countries uses a day of 24 hours beginning at midnight - 2400 hours* - therefore 12 o'clock am (or midday) would be 1200 hours - 6am would be 0600 hours and 6pm, 1800 hours. * Some services use the 24 hour period beginning at 0000 or 0001 hours to 2359 hours not recognizing 2400 hours, thus technically, providing the serviceman with 1 or 2 minutes free time.