Ethiopia is 9 hours ahead of houston time - so it would be 5am in houston if it was 2pm in Ethiopia.
5am in New Jersey (Newark) is 4am in Texas (Houston).
3 oclock
12 oclock 6 oclock
India time is 2.5 hours later than East Africa Time used in Ethiopia. India uses Indian Standard time (UTC +5:30) throughout the country despite the two-hour difference between local times in the easternmost and westernmost parts of the country. Ethiopia is nominally EAT (UTC +3) but some local times are expressed by the number of hours since the local dawn.
nine oclock and six oclock
2.00 oclock
12 oclock
9 oclock
at 9 oclock
at 11 oclock
6 oclock 7 ocklock or 8 oclock i am very not sure
10 oclock monday thru Friday 8 oclock on Saturday appointments only on Sunday