At 86,935.83 square miles, Minnesota is larger.
Minnesota. Minnesota (79,610 square miles) vs. Iowa (55,869 square miles)
By both area and population, Minnesota is in the upper half of US states. It's 12th by total area, 14th by land area (it has a lot of lakes), and 21st by population.
Minnesota ~ 79,617 sq mi Iowa ~ 55,875 sq mi
Idaho has a larger land area
Minnesota has more land area than Iowa. Minnesota has total area of 86,935 square miles which includes 79,626 square miles of land. Minnesota ranks #12 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area and #14 based on land area. Iowa has 56,273 square miles of total area which includes 55,857 square miles of land area. Iowa ranks #26 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area and #23 based on land area.
Minnesota has more land area than Iowa. Minnesota has total area of 86,935 square miles which includes 79,626 square miles of land. Minnesota ranks #12 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area and #14 based on land area. Iowa has 56,273 square miles of total area which includes 55,857 square miles of land area. Iowa ranks #26 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area and #23 based on land area.
Minnesota has more land area than Iowa. Minnesota has total area of 86,935 square miles which includes 79,626 square miles of land. Minnesota ranks #12 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area and #14 based on land area. Iowa has 56,273 square miles of total area which includes 55,857 square miles of land area. Iowa ranks #26 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area and #23 based on land area.
Minnesota has more land area than Iowa. Minnesota has total area of 86,935 square miles which includes 79,626 square miles of land. Minnesota ranks #12 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area and #14 based on land area. Iowa has 56,273 square miles of total area which includes 55,857 square miles of land area. Iowa ranks #26 among the 50 U.S. states based on total area and #23 based on land area.
Alaska, Texas, and California are all larger in land area than Minnesota.
No Minnesota is smaller than Texas. Both population and size wise Texas is bigger. Texas has a population of 24,782,302 while Minnesota has about 5,266,214 people. Texas' size is 268,580.82 sq. miles while Minnesota is 86,938.87sq miles. California is the only state bigger in population than Texas and Alaska is the Only state bigger than Texas by size. Minnesota is 12/50 in area and is 21/50 in population.