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1. A practical application of Pythagoras Theorem is to check where the ploat or a building or land are in the form of a square or rectangle ( i.e. each corner angle is 90 degree or not )

2. For finding the third side of a right angle triangle

3. Use of Trigometry i.e. sinx , cosx and tanx based on right angle triangle are used in finding the area of many geometrical figures like area of any triangle , rectangle etc.

4. many more ........

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Who invented Pythagoras Theorem?

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how one day we find out

On what day was Pythagoras death?

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Can you prove Pythagoras theorem using 3 Dimensional shapes?

No, you cannot. Would you be please in hearing the elaboration to this very fine statement? Because you sir, have the IQ of a philodendron. To add to this established and entirely correct point, I am a frilly unicorn with orange suspenders and I'm not afraid to say it. Thank you for your time and co-operation. Good-day. Regards, The Sexual Deviant