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sin(theta) = 15/17, cosec(theta) = 17/15

cos(theta) = -8/17, sec(theta) = -17/8

cotan(theta) = -8/15

theta = 2.0608 radians.

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Q: Given tan Theta equals negative 15 divided by 8 and 90 degrees is less than or equal to theta which is less than or equals to 180 state 5 other trigonometric ratios and determine the measure of theta?
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How do you graph 1 divided by 4 cos?


Is the cosine function an odd function?

No. Cosine, along with sec, is an even function. The odd functions are sin, tan, csc, and cot. The reason for this is because is you take the opposite of the y-value for the cosine function, the overall value of the function is not affected.Take, for example, cos(60 degrees), which equals POSITIVE 1/2.If you flip it over the x-axis, making the y's negative, it becomes cos(-60 degrees), or cos(300 degrees). This equals POSITIVE 1/2.Now let's look at an odd function. For example, sin(30 degrees) equals POSITIVE 1/2. Now take the opposite of this.sin(-30 degrees), or sin(330 degrees), equals NEGATIVE 1/2. This is because it is found in the fourth quadrant, where the y's are negative. Sine of theta, by definition, is y divided by r. If y is negative, sine is negative.

Why is the tangent positive on quadrant III?

The tangent function is equal to the sine divided by the cosine. In quadrant III, both sin and cos are negative - and a negative divided by another negative is positive. Thus it follows that the tangent is positive in QIII.

Why the value of cos positive for negative value of angle?

The cosine of an angle is the adjacent side of the angle of a triangle divided the hypotenuse. If you plot the adjacent side as x on an x -y graph, for negative angles less than 90 degrees the adjacent side is positive and the hypotenuse is always positive, so you get a positive. The cosine is positive int e upper right and lower right quadrants

How do you find sin of angle?

The sine of an angle is obtained from a right angle triangle. The other two angles are acute, or less than 90 degrees. The sin of the angle is the side opposite the angle divided by the hypotenuse.

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it is the square root of 3 divided by 2

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When you divided a negative number by a positive number witth the answer be positive or negative?

A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative.

What sign is the answer to a minus divided by a minus?

a negative divided or multiplied by a negative is a positive a negative and a positive multiplied or divided by each other is a negative a negative divided or multiplied by a negative is a positive a negative and a positive multiplied or divided by each other is a negative

Is a negative divided by a negative a positive number?

negative times negative is positive negative divided by a negative is a postive negative times a positive is a negative negative divided by a positive is a negative

Is a negative divided by a negative a posotive?

Negative divided by a negative is always a positive.

If a negative is divided by a positive what does it equal?

If a negative is divided by a positive, the resulting quotient will be negative. If a negative is divided by another negative, the quotient would be positive.

Is a negative number divided by a negative number equal to a positive or a negative number?

A negative divided by a negative is a positive.

When you multiply or divide two integers how can you determine whether the answere will be a positive or negative?

If the two numbers that are being multiplied or divided have the SAME sign, the answer is positive, if they have DIFFERENT signs, the answer will be negative.

What is the sign of the quotient of two positive integers?

The quotient of two positive integers will be positive. A positive divided by a positive is positive. A positive divided by a negative is negative. A negative divided by a positive is negative. A negative divided by a negative is positive.

6 divided by negative 1?

-6 Yes the answer would be -6. But in order to get that answer you must know this: positive divided by a positive = positive positive divided by a negative = a negative negative divided by a positive = a negative negative divided by a negative = positive (also note: it's the same formula for multiplying)

What is a negative number divided by a negative number?

A negative number divided by a negative number is a positive number.