Use these identities: sin2(x) + cos2(x) = 1, and tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x) For clarity, the functions are written here without their arguments (the "of x" part). (1 - sin2) = cos2 (1 + tan2) = (1 + sin2/cos2) = (cos2+sin2) / cos2 = 1/cos2 Multiply them: (cos2) times (1/cos2) = 1'QED'
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2.9543127e+21 RadDegx!sin-1sin√cos-1coslntan-1tanlogπexy()%AC789÷456×123-0.=+
First write everything in terms of sines and cosines.2 sin x / cos x - (1 / cos x)2 = 0Multiply by the common denominator, cos2x:2 sin x cos x - 1 = 0Solve:2 sin x cos x = 1sin 2x = 12x = pi/2, or 2x = 5pi/2, or 2x = 9pi/2...For the first one, 2x = pi/2 --> x = pi/4.
2 sin2(x) + sin(x) - 1 = 0(2 sin + 1) (sin - 1) = 0Either 2 sin(x) + 1 = 02sin(x) = -1sin(x) = -0.5x = 210°, 330°or sin(x) - 1 = 0sin(x) = 1x = 90°
Sin(2x) = -cos(x)But sin(2x) = 2 sin(x) cos(x)Substitute it:2 sin(x) cos(x) = -cos(x)Divide each side by cos(x):2 sin(x) = -1sin(x) = -1/2x = 210°x = 330°
cosecant(x) = 1/sin(x) = -1sin(x) = -1x = 270 degrees(plus or minus any whole multiple of 360 degrees)
90-54=36 1.33sin36=1sin(x) 90-x=answer
These are some series (not the summation of series) that converge: 1/n1/n2(a/b)n if a/b < 1 or = 1sin(1/n)cos(1/n)sin(nπ) π = picos([2n+1]π/2)e-n(n+2)/n
The index of refraction is given by the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to the speed of light in the medium. Snell's Law states n1sin(theta1) = n2sin(theta2), where n1 and n2 are the indices of refraction and theta1 and theta2 are the angles of incidence and refraction, respectively. For light traveling from air (n=1) into acrylic (n_acrylic), the expression can be written as: 1sin(theta1) = n_acrylicsin(theta2), and the index of refraction for acrylic can be calculated by n_acrylic = sin(theta1) / sin(theta2).
Algebra Base Calculus Diameter Equals Factor Geometric Hook's Law Integer Jacobian Kepler's Law Less than Mass Negative Orthogonal Perimeter Quotent Radius Square root Trichonomitry Unit Varible Whole number X-Axis Y-Axiz Zero
Math terms are basically math vocabulary.They are words that are used to more accurately define something in math.All math terms listed alphabetically:AA SimilarityAAS CongruenceAbscissaAbsolute ConvergenceAbsolute MaximumAbsolute MinimumAbsolute ValueAbsolute Value of a Complex NumberAbsolute Value RulesAbsolutely ConvergentAccelerationAccuracyAcute AngleAcute TriangleAddition RuleAdditive Inverse of a MatrixAdditive Inverse of a NumberAdditive Property of EqualityAdjacentAdjacent AnglesAdjointAffine TransformationAleph Null (א‎0)AlgebraAlgebraic NumbersAlgorithmAlpha (Α α)Alternate AnglesAlternate Exterior AnglesAlternate Interior AnglesAlternating SeriesAlternating Series RemainderAlternating Series TestAltitudeAltitude of a ConeAltitude of a CylinderAltitude of a ParallelogramAltitude of a PrismAltitude of a PyramidAltitude of a TrapezoidAltitude of a TriangleAmplitudeAnalytic GeometryAnalytic MethodsAngleAngle BisectorAngle of DepressionAngle of ElevationAngle of Inclination of a LineAnnulusAnticlockwiseAntiderivative of a FunctionAntipodal PointsApexApothemApproximation by DifferentialsArc Length of a CurveArc of a CircleArea of a TriangleArea under a CurveArea Using Parametric EquationsArea Using Polar CoordinatesArgand PlaneArgument of a Complex NumberArgument of a FunctionArgument of a VectorArithmeticArithmetic MeanArithmetic ProgressionArithmetic SequenceArithmetic SeriesArm of an AngleArm of a Right TriangleASA CongruenceAssociativeAsymptoteAugmented MatrixAverageAverage Rate of ChangeAverage Value of a FunctionAxesAxiomAxis of a CylinderAxis of ReflectionAxis of RotationAxis of SymmetryAxis of Symmetry of a ParabolaBack SubstitutionBase (Geometry)Base of an Exponential ExpressionBase of an Isosceles TriangleBase of a TrapezoidBase of a TriangleBearingBernoulli TrialsBeta (Β β)BetweenBiconditionalBinomialBinomial CoefficientsBinomial Coefficients in Pascal's TriangleBinomial Probability FormulaBinomial TheoremBisectBisectorBoundary Value ProblemBounded FunctionBounded SequenceBounded Set of Geometric PointsBounded Set of NumbersBounds of IntegrationBoxBox and Whisker PlotBoxplotBracesBrachistochroneBracketsCalculusCardinal NumbersCardinalityCardioidCartesian CoordinatesCartesian FormCartesian PlaneCatenaryCavalieri's PrincipleCeiling FunctionCenter of Mass FormulaCenter of RotationCenters of a TriangleCentral AngleCentroidCentroid FormulaCeva's TheoremCevianChain RuleChange of Base FormulaCheck a SolutionChi (Χ χ)ChordCircleCircle IdentitiesCircle Trig DefinitionsCircular ConeCircular CylinderCircular FunctionsCircumcenterCircumcircleCircumferenceCircumscribableCircumscribedCircumscribed CircleCisClockwiseClosed IntervalCoefficientCoefficient MatrixCofactorCofactor MatrixCofunction IdentitiesCoincidentCollinearColumn of a MatrixCombinationCombination FormulaCombinatoricsCommon LogarithmCommon RatioCommutativeComparison TestCompatible MatricesComplement of an AngleComplement of an EventComplement of a SetComplementary AnglesComplex ConjugateComplex FractionComplex Number FormulasComplex NumbersComplex PlaneCompositeComposite NumberCompositionCompound FractionCompound InequalityCompound InterestCompoundedCompounded ContinuouslyCompressionCompression of a Geometric FigureCompression of a GraphComputeConcaveConcave DownConcave UpConcentricConclusionConcurrentConditionalConditional ConvergenceConditional EquationConditional InequalityConditional ProbabilityConeCone AngleCongruence Tests for TrianglesCongruentConic SectionsConjectureConjugatesConjugate Pair TheoremConjunctionConsecutive Interior AnglesConsistent System of EquationsConstantConstant FunctionConstant TermContinued SumContinuousContinuous CompoundingContinuous FunctionContinuously Compounded InterestContinuously Differentiable FunctionContrapositiveContractionContraction of a Geometric FigureConvergeConverge AbsolutelyConverge ConditionallyConvergence TestsConvergent SequenceConvergent SeriesConverseConvexCoordinate GeometryCoordinate PlaneCoordinatesCoplanarCorollaryCorrelationCorrelation CoefficientCorrespondingcoscos-1coseccosec-1cosecantcosinecotcot-1CotangentCoterminalCountableCountably InfiniteCounterclockwiseCounterexampleCounting NumbersCPCFCCPCTCCramer's RuleCritical NumberCritical PointCritical ValueCross Productcsccsc-1ctgctg-1CubeCube RootCubic PolynomialCuboidCurly dCurveCurve SketchingCuspCycloidCylinderCylindrical Shell MethodDe Moivre's TheoremDecagonDecilesDecreasing FunctionDefinite IntegralDefinite Integral RulesDegenerateDegenerate Conic SectionsDegree (angle measure)Degree of a PolynomialDegree of a TermDel OperatorDeleted NeighborhoodDelta (Δ δ)DenominatorDependent VariableDerivativeDerivative of a Power SeriesDerivative RulesDescartes' Rule of SignsDeterminantDiagonal MatrixDiagonal of a PolygonDiameterDiametrically OpposedDifferenceDifference IdentitiesDifference QuotientDifferentiableDifferentialDifferential EquationDifferentiationDifferentiation RulesDigitDihedral AngleDilationDilation of a Geometric FigureDilation of a GraphDimensionsDimensions of a MatrixDirect ProportionDirect VariationDirectly ProportionalDirectrices of an EllipseDirectrices of a HyperbolaDirectrix of a ParabolaDiscontinuityDiscontinuous FunctionDiscreteDiscriminant of a QuadraticDisjoint EventsDisjoint SetsDisjunctionDiskDisk MethodDistance FormulaDistance from a Point to a LineDistinctDistributeDistributing RulesDivergeDivergent SequenceDivergent SeriesDodecagonDodecahedronDomainDomain of DefinitionDot ProductDouble Angle IdentitiesDouble ConeDouble Number IdentitiesDouble RootDoubling TimeeEccentricityEchelon Form of a MatrixEdge of a PolyhedronElement of a MatrixElement of a SetEllipseEllipsoidElliptic GeometryEmpty SetEnd BehaviorEpsilon (Ε ε)Equality, Properties ofEquationEquation of a LineEquation RulesEquiangular TriangleEquidistantEquilateral TriangleEquivalence Properties of EqualityEquivalence RelationEquivalent Systems of EquationsEssential DiscontinuityEta (Η η)Euclidean GeometryEuler LineEuler's FormulaEuler's Formula (Polyhedra)EvaluateEven FunctionEven NumberEventExact Values of Trig FunctionsExclusive (interval)Exclusive orExpandExpansion by CofactorsExpected ValueExperimentExplicit DifferentiationExplicit Formula of a SequenceExplicit FunctionExponentExponent RulesExponential DecayExponential FunctionExponential GrowthExponential ModelExponentiationExpressionExterior Angle of a PolygonExtraneous SolutionExtreme Value TheoremExtreme Values of a PolynomialExtremumFace of a PolyhedronFactor of an IntegerFactor of a PolynomialFactor TheoremFactor TreeFactorialFactoring RulesFalling BodiesFibonacci SequenceFiniteFirst DerivativeFirst Derivative TestFirst Order Differential EquationFirst QuartileFive Number SummaryFixedFlipFloor FunctionFocal RadiusFoci of an EllipseFoci of a HyperbolaFocusFocus of a ParabolaFOIL MethodFormulaFractalFractionFraction RulesFractional EquationFractional ExponentsFractional ExpressionFrequency of a Periodic FunctionFrequency of Periodic MotionFrustum of a Cone or PyramidFunctionFunction OperationsFundamental Theorem of AlgebraFundamental Theorem of ArithmeticFundamental Theorem of CalculusGambling OddsGamma (Γ γ)Gauss-Jordan EliminationGaussian EliminationGaussian IntegerGCFGeneral Form for the Equation of a LineGeometric FigureGeometric MeanGeometric ProgressionGeometric SequenceGeometric SeriesGeometric SolidGeometryGLBGlideGlide ReflectionGlobal MaximumGlobal MinimumGolden MeanGolden RatioGolden RectangleGolden SpiralGoogolGoogolplexGraph of an Equation or InequalityGraphic MethodsGravityGreat CircleGreatest Common FactorGreatest Integer FunctionGreatest Lower BoundGreek AlphabetHalf Angle IdentitiesHalf-Closed IntervalHalf-LifeHalf Number IdentitiesHalf-Open IntervalHarmonic MeanHarmonic ProgressionHarmonic SequenceHarmonic SeriesHeightHeight of a ConeHeight of a CylinderHeight of a ParallelogramHeight of a PrismHeight of a PyramidHeight of a TrapezoidHeight of a TriangleHelixHeptagonHero's FormulaHeron's FormulaHexagonHexahedronHigh QuartileHigher DerivativeHigher QuartileHL CongruenceHL SimilarityHoleHomogeneous System of EquationsHorizontalHorizontal CompressionHorizontal DilationHorizontal EllipseHorizontal HyperbolaHorizontal Line EquationHorizontal Line TestHorizontal ParabolaHorizontal ReflectionHorizontal ShiftHorizontal ShrinkHorizontal StretchHorizontal TranslationHyperbolaHyperbolic GeometryHyperbolic TrigHyperbolic TrigonometryHypotenuseHypothesisiIcosahedronIdentity (Equation)Identity FunctionIdentity MatrixIdentity of an Operationif and only ifIf-Then StatementiffImage of a TransformationImaginary NumbersImaginary PartImplicit DifferentiationImplicit Function or RelationImpossible EventImproper FractionImproper IntegralImproper Rational ExpressionIncenterIncircleInclusive (interval)Inclusive orInconsistent System of EquationsIncreasing FunctionIndefinite IntegralIndefinite Integral RulesIndependent EventsIndependent VariableIndeterminate ExpressionIndirect ProofInductionInequalityInequality RulesInfiniteInfinite Geometric SeriesInfinite LimitInfinite SeriesInfinitesimalInfinityInflection PointInitial Side of an AngleInitial Value ProblemInner ProductInradiusInscribed Angle in a CircleInscribed CircleInstantaneous AccelerationInstantaneous Rate of ChangeInstantaneous VelocityIntegersIntegrable FunctionIntegralIntegral MethodsIntegral of a FunctionIntegral of a Power SeriesIntegral RulesIntegral TableIntegral TestIntegral Test RemainderIntegrandIntegrationIntegration by PartsIntegration by SubstitutionIntegration MethodsInterestInteriorInterior AngleIntermediate Value TheoremInterquartile RangeIntersectionIntervalInterval NotationInterval of ConvergenceInvariantInverseInverse CosecantInverse CosineInverse CotangentInverse FunctionInverse of a ConditionalInverse of a MatrixInverse of an OperationInverse ProportionInverse SecantInverse SineInverse TangentInverse TrigInverse Trig FunctionsInverse TrigonometryInverse VariationInversely ProportionalInvertible MatrixIota (Ι ι)IQRIrrational NumbersIsometryIsosceles TrapezoidIsosceles TriangleIterative ProcessIVPIVTJoint VariationJump DiscontinuityKappa (Κ κ)KiteL'Hôpital's RuleLambda (Λ λ)Lateral AreaLateral Surface AreaLateral Surface/FaceLatus RectumLaw of CosinesLaw of SinesLCMLeading CoefficientLeading TermLeast Common DenominatorLeast Common MultipleLeast Integer FunctionLeast-Squares FitLeast-Squares LineLeast-Squares Regression EquationLeast-Squares Regression LineLeast Upper BoundLeg of an Isosceles TriangleLeg of a Right TriangleLeg of a TrapezoidLemmaLemniscateLike TermsLimaçonLimitLimit Comparison TestLimit from AboveLimit from BelowLimit from the LeftLimit from the RightLimit Involving InfinityLimit Test for DivergenceLimits of IntegrationLineLine SegmentLinearLinear CombinationLinear EquationLinear FactorizationLinear FitLinear InequalityLinear Pair of AnglesLinear PolynomialLinear ProgrammingLinear RegressionLinear System of EquationsLocal BehaviorLocal MaximumLocal MinimumLocusLogarithmLogarithm RulesLogarithmic DifferentiationLogistic GrowthLong Division of PolynomialsLower BoundLower QuartileLSRLLUBMaclaurin SeriesMagnitudeMagnitude of a VectorMain Diagonal of a MatrixMajor ArcMajor Axis of an EllipseMajor Axis of a HyperbolaMajor Diameter of an EllipseMathematical ModelMatrixMatrix AdditionMatrix ElementMatrix InverseMatrix MultiplicationMatrix of CofactorsMatrix SubtractionMaximizeMaximum of a FunctionMeanMean of a Random VariableMean Value TheoremMean Value Theorem for IntegralsMeasure of an AngleMeasurementMedian of a Set of NumbersMedian of a TrapezoidMedian of a TriangleMember of an EquationMenelaus's TheoremMensurationMeshMidpointMidpoint FormulaMin/Max TheoremMinimizeMinimum of a FunctionMinor ArcMinor Axis of an EllipseMinor Axis of a HyperbolaMinor Diameter of an EllipseMinuteMixed NumberMöbius StripModeModelModified BoxplotModular ArithmeticModular EquivalenceModular Equivalence RulesModular NumbersModulo nModulus of a Complex NumberModus PonensModus TolensMomentMonomialMu (Μ μ)Multiplication RuleMultiplicative Inverse of a MatrixMultiplicative Inverse of a NumberMultiplicative Property of EqualityMultiplicityMultivariableMultivariable AnalysisMultivariable CalculusMultivariateMutually ExclusiveMVTn-Dimensionaln DimensionsNatural DomainNatural LogarithmNatural NumbersNegative DirectionNegative ExponentsNegative NumberNegative ReciprocalNegatively Associated DataNeighborhoodNewton's Methodn-gonNo SlopeNon-AdjacentNonagonNoncollinearNon-ConvexNon-Euclidean GeometryNoninvertible MatrixNonnegativeNonnegative IntegersNon-Overlapping SetsNonreal numbersNonsingular MatrixNontrivialNonzeroNorm of a PartitionNorm of a VectorNormalNormalizing a Vectornth Degree Taylor Polynomialnth Derivativenth Partial Sumnth Rootnth Root Rulesn-tupleNu (Ν ν)Null SetNumber LineNumeratorOblate SpheroidObliqueOblique AsymptoteOblique ConeOblique CylinderOblique PrismOblique PyramidObtuse AngleObtuse TriangleOctagonOctahedronOctantsOdd/Even IdentitiesOdd FunctionOdd NumberOddsOdds AgainstOdds in FavorOdds in GamblingOmega (Ω ω)Omicron (Ο ο)One DimensionOne-Sided LimitOne-to-One FunctionOpen IntervalOperations on FunctionsOpposite ReciprocalOrder of a Differential EquationOrdered PairOrdered TripleOrdinal NumbersOrdinary Differential EquationOrdinateOriginOrthocenterOrthogonalOutcomeOutlierOvalOverdetermined System of Equationsp-seriesPaired DataPappus's TheoremParabolaParallel Cross SectionsParallel LinesParallel PlanesParallel PostulateParallelepipedParallelogramParameter (algebra)Parametric Derivative FormulasParametric EquationsParametric Integral FormulaParametrizeParent FunctionsParenthesesPartial DerivativePartial Differential EquationPartial FractionsPartial Sum of a SeriesPartition of an IntervalPartition of a Positive IntegerPartition of a SetPascal's TrianglePentagonPer AnnumPercentilePerfect NumberPerfect SquarePerimeterPeriod of a Periodic FunctionPeriod of Periodic MotionPeriodic FunctionPeriodic MotionPeriodicity IdentitiesPermutationPermutation FormulaPerpendicularPerpendicular BisectorPhase ShiftPhi (Φ φ)Pi (Π π)Piecewise Continuous FunctionPiecewise FunctionPinching TheoremPlanePlane FigurePlane GeometryPlatonic SolidsPlus/Minus IdentitiesPointPoint of Division FormulaPoint of SymmetryPoint-Slope Equation of a LinePolar Angle of a Complex NumberPolar AxisPolar Conversion FormulasPolar CoordinatesPolar CurvesPolar Derivative FormulasPolar EquationPolar Form of a Complex NumberPolar Integral FormulaPolar-Rectangular Conversion FormulasPolygonPolygon InteriorPolyhedronPolynomialPolynomial FactsPolynomial Long DivisionPopulationPositive DirectionPositive NumberPositive SeriesPositively Associated DataPostulatePowerPower RulePower SeriesPower Series ConvergencePrecisionPre-Image of a TransformationPrime FactorizationPrime NumberPrincipalPrismProbabilityProductProduct RuleProduct to Sum IdentitiesProjectile MotionProlate SpheroidProof by ContradictionProper FractionProper Rational ExpressionProper SubsetProperties of EqualityProportionalPsi (Ψ ψ)Pure Imaginary NumbersPyramidPythagorean IdentitiesPythagorean TheoremPythagorean TripleQ1Q3QEDQuadrangleQuadrantal AngleQuadrantsQuadraticQuadratic EquationQuadratic FormulaQuadratic PolynomialQuadrilateralQuadrupleQuartic PolynomialQuartilesQuintic PolynomialQuintilesQuintupleQuotientQuotient RuleRadianRadicalRadical RulesRadicandRadius of a Circle or SphereRadius of ConvergenceRangeRatioRatio IdentitiesRatio TestRational EquationRational ExponentsRational ExpressionRational FunctionRational NumbersRational Root TheoremRational Zero TheoremRationalizing SubstitutionsRationalizing the DenominatorRayReal NumbersReal PartReciprocalReciprocal IdentitiesReciprocal RuleRectangleRectangular CoordinatesRectangular FormRectangular ParallelepipedRecursive Formula of a SequenceReduce a FractionReduced Row-Echelon Form of a MatrixReference AngleReflectionReflexive PropertyRegressionRegression EquationRegression LineRegular DodecahedronRegular HexahedronRegular IcosahedronRegular OctahedronRegular PolygonRegular PolyhedraRegular PrismRegular PyramidRegular Right PrismRegular Right PyramidRegular TetrahedronRelated RatesRelationRelative MaximumRelative MinimumRelatively PrimeRemainderRemainder of a SeriesRemainder TheoremRemovable DiscontinuityResidualRestricted DomainRestricted FunctionRho (Ρ ρ)RhombusRiemann SumRiemannian GeometryRight AngleRight Circular ConeRight Circular CylinderRight ConeRight CylinderRight PrismRight PyramidRight Regular PrismRight Regular PyramidRight Square ParallelepipedRight Square PrismRight TriangleRMSRolle's TheoremRoot Mean SquareRoot of an EquationRoot of a NumberRoot RulesRoot TestRose CurveRotationRounding a NumberRow-Echelon Form of a MatrixRow of a MatrixRow OperationsRow ReductionRPMSAA CongruenceSample SpaceSandwich TheoremSAS CongruenceSAS SimilaritySatisfyScalarScalar ProductScale FactorScalene TriangleScatterplotScientific Notationsecsec-1Sec-1Secant (Trig Function)Secant LineSecondSecond DerivativeSecond Derivative TestSecond Order Critical PointSecond Order Differential EquationSector of a CircleSegmentSegment of a CircleSelf-SimilaritySemicircleSemiperimeterSeparable Differential EquationSequenceSequence of Partial SumsSeriesSeries RulesSetSet BracesSet-Builder NotationSet ComplementSet IntersectionSet SubtractionSet UnionShell MethodShiftShrinkSide of an AngleSide of an EquationSide of a PolygonSigma (Σ σ)Sigma NotationSignificant DigitsSimilarSimilarity Tests for TrianglesSimple Closed CurveSimple Harmonic Motion (SHM)Simple InterestSimplifySimpson's RuleSimultaneous Equationssinsin-1Sin-1SineSingular MatrixSinusoidSkew LinesSlant HeightSlope-Intercept Equation of a LineSlope of a CurveSlope of a LineSOHCAHTOASolidSolid GeometrySolid of RevolutionSolutionSolution SetSolveSolve AnalyticallySolve GraphicallySpecial AnglesSpeedSphereSpherical TrigonometrySpheroidSpiralSpurious SolutionSquareSquare MatrixSquare RootSquare Root RulesSquare System of EquationsSqueeze TheoremSSASSS CongruenceSSS SimilarityStandard Form for the Equation of a LineStandard PositionStem-and-Leaf PlotStemplotStep DiscontinuityStep FunctionStewart's TheoremStraight AngleStretchStrict InequalitySubsetSubstitution MethodSubtraction of SetsSumSum/Difference IdentitiesSum Rule for ProbabilitySum to Product IdentitiesSupersetSupplementSupplementary AnglesSurdSure EventSurfaceSurface AreaSurface Area of a Surface of RevolutionSurface of RevolutionSymmetricSymmetric about the OriginSymmetric about the x-axisSymmetric about the y-axisSymmetric across the OriginSymmetric across the x-axisSymmetric across the y-axisSymmetric PropertySymmetric with Respect to the OriginSymmetric with Respect to the x-axisSymmetric with Respect to the y-axisSynthetic DivisionSynthetic SubstitutionSystem of EquationsSystem of InequalitiesSystem of Linear EquationsTable of IntegralsTakeout Angletantan-1Tan-1Tangent (Trig Function)Tangent LineTau (Τ τ)TautochroneTaylor PolynomialTaylor SeriesTaylor Series RemainderTermTerminal Side of an AngleTessellateTetrahedronTheoremTheorem of MenelausTheorem of PappusTheta (Θ θ)Third QuartileThree Dimensional CoordinatesThree DimensionsTilted AsymptoteToolkit FunctionsTorusTranscendental NumbersTransformationsTransitive Property of EqualityTransitive Property of InequalitiesTranslationTranspose of a MatrixTransversalTrapeziumTrapezoidTrapezoid RuleTriangleTriangle Congruence TestsTriangle InequalityTriangle Inequality with Absolute ValueTriangle Similarity TestsTriangulationTrichotomyTrigTrig FunctionsTrig IdentitiesTrig SubstitutionTrig Values of Special AnglesTrigonometryTrinomialTripleTriple RootTriple (Scalar) ProductTrivialTruncated Cone or PyramidTruncated Cylinder or PrismTruncating a NumberTwin PrimesTwo DimensionsTwo Intercept Form for the Equation of a Lineu-SubstitutionUnbounded Set of NumbersUncountableUncountably InfiniteUndecagonUndefined SlopeUnderdetermined System of EquationsUniformUnionUnit CircleUnit Circle Trig DefinitionsUnit VectorUpper BoundUpper QuartileUpsilon (Υ υ)VariableVarignon Parallelogram of a QuadrilateralVectorVector CalculusVelocityVenn DiagramsVerify a SolutionVertexVertex of an EllipseVertex of a HyperbolaVertex of a ParabolaVerticalVertical AnglesVertical CompressionVertical DilationVertical EllipseVertical HyperbolaVertical Line EquationVertical Line TestVertical ParabolaVertical ReflectionVertical ShiftVertical ShrinkVertical StretchVertical TranslationVertices of an EllipseVertices of a HyperbolaVinculumVolumeVolume by Parallel Cross SectionsWasherWasher MethodWavelengthWeighted AverageWhole NumbersWorkx-interceptx-y Planex-z PlaneXi (Ξ ξ)y-intercepty-z Planez-interceptZeroZero DimensionsZero MatrixZero of a FunctionZero SlopeZero VectorZeta (Ζ ζ)
AA SimilarityAAS CongruenceAbscissaAbsolute ConvergenceAbsolute MaximumAbsolute MinimumAbsolute ValueAbsolute Value of a Complex NumberAbsolute Value RulesAbsolutely ConvergentAccelerationAccuracyAcute AngleAcute TriangleAddition RuleAdditive Inverse of a MatrixAdditive Inverse of a NumberAdditive Property of EqualityAdjacentAdjacent AnglesAdjointAffine TransformationAleph Null (א‎0)AlgebraAlgebraic NumbersAlgorithmAlpha (Α α)Alternate AnglesAlternate Exterior AnglesAlternate Interior AnglesAlternating SeriesAlternating Series RemainderAlternating Series TestAltitudeAltitude of a ConeAltitude of a CylinderAltitude of a ParallelogramAltitude of a PrismAltitude of a PyramidAltitude of a TrapezoidAltitude of a TriangleAmplitudeAnalytic GeometryAnalytic MethodsAngleAngle BisectorAngle of DepressionAngle of ElevationAngle of Inclination of a LineAnnulusAnticlockwiseAntiderivative of a FunctionAntipodal PointsApexApothemApproximation by DifferentialsArc Length of a CurveArc of a CirclearccosArccosarccosecArccosecarccotArccotarccscArccscarcsecArcsecarcsinArcsinarctanArctanArea below a CurveArea between CurvesArea of a CircleArea of a Convex PolygonArea of an EllipseArea of an Equilateral TriangleArea of a KiteArea of a Parabolic SegmentArea of a ParallelogramArea of a RectangleArea of a Regular PolygonArea of a RhombusArea of a Sector of a CircleArea of a Segment of a CircleArea of a TrapezoidArea of a TriangleArea under a CurveArea Using Parametric EquationsArea Using Polar CoordinatesArgand PlaneArgument of a Complex NumberArgument of a FunctionArgument of a VectorArithmeticArithmetic MeanArithmetic ProgressionArithmetic SequenceArithmetic SeriesArm of an AngleArm of a Right TriangleASA CongruenceAssociativeAsymptoteAugmented MatrixAverageAverage Rate of ChangeAverage Value of a FunctionAxesAxiomAxis of a CylinderAxis of ReflectionAxis of RotationAxis of SymmetryAxis of Symmetry of a ParabolaBack SubstitutionBase (Geometry)Base of an Exponential ExpressionBase of an Isosceles TriangleBase of a TrapezoidBase of a TriangleBearingBernoulli TrialsBeta (Β β)BetweenBiconditionalBinomialBinomial CoefficientsBinomial Coefficients in Pascal's TriangleBinomial Probability FormulaBinomial TheoremBisectBisectorBoundary Value ProblemBounded FunctionBounded SequenceBounded Set of Geometric PointsBounded Set of NumbersBounds of IntegrationBoxBox and Whisker PlotBoxplotBracesBrachistochroneBracketsCalculusCardinal NumbersCardinalityCardioidCartesian CoordinatesCartesian FormCartesian PlaneCatenaryCavalieri's PrincipleCeiling FunctionCenter of Mass FormulaCenter of RotationCenters of a TriangleCentral AngleCentroidCentroid FormulaCeva's TheoremCevianChain RuleChange of Base FormulaCheck a SolutionChi (Χ χ)ChordCircleCircle IdentitiesCircle Trig DefinitionsCircular ConeCircular CylinderCircular FunctionsCircumcenterCircumcircleCircumferenceCircumscribableCircumscribedCircumscribed CircleCisClockwiseClosed IntervalCoefficientCoefficient MatrixCofactorCofactor MatrixCofunction IdentitiesCoincidentCollinearColumn of a MatrixCombinationCombination FormulaCombinatoricsCommon LogarithmCommon RatioCommutativeComparison TestCompatible MatricesComplement of an AngleComplement of an EventComplement of a SetComplementary AnglesComplex ConjugateComplex FractionComplex Number FormulasComplex NumbersComplex PlaneCompositeComposite NumberCompositionCompound FractionCompound InequalityCompound InterestCompoundedCompounded ContinuouslyCompressionCompression of a Geometric FigureCompression of a GraphComputeConcaveConcave DownConcave UpConcentricConclusionConcurrentConditionalConditional ConvergenceConditional EquationConditional InequalityConditional ProbabilityConeCone AngleCongruence Tests for TrianglesCongruentConic SectionsConjectureConjugatesConjugate Pair TheoremConjunctionConsecutive Interior AnglesConsistent System of EquationsConstantConstant FunctionConstant TermContinued SumContinuousContinuous CompoundingContinuous FunctionContinuously Compounded InterestContinuously Differentiable FunctionContrapositiveContractionContraction of a Geometric FigureConvergeConverge AbsolutelyConverge ConditionallyConvergence TestsConvergent SequenceConvergent SeriesConverseConvexCoordinate GeometryCoordinate PlaneCoordinatesCoplanarCorollaryCorrelationCorrelation CoefficientCorrespondingcoscos-1Cos-1coseccosec-1Cosec-1cosecantcosinecotcot-1Cot-1CotangentCoterminalCountableCountably InfiniteCounterclockwiseCounterexampleCounting NumbersCPCFCCPCTCCramer's RuleCritical NumberCritical PointCritical ValueCross Productcsccsc-1Csc-1ctgctg-1Ctg-1CubeCube RootCubic PolynomialCuboidCurly dCurveCurve SketchingCuspCycloidCylinderCylindrical Shell MethodDe Moivre's TheoremDecagonDecilesDecreasing FunctionDefinite IntegralDefinite Integral RulesDegenerateDegenerate Conic SectionsDegree (angle measure)Degree of a PolynomialDegree of a TermDel OperatorDeleted NeighborhoodDelta (Δ δ)DenominatorDependent VariableDerivativeDerivative of a Power SeriesDerivative RulesDescartes' Rule of SignsDeterminantDiagonal MatrixDiagonal of a PolygonDiameterDiametrically OpposedDifferenceDifference IdentitiesDifference QuotientDifferentiableDifferentialDifferential EquationDifferentiationDifferentiation RulesDigitDihedral AngleDilationDilation of a Geometric FigureDilation of a GraphDimensionsDimensions of a MatrixDirect ProportionDirect VariationDirectly ProportionalDirectrices of an EllipseDirectrices of a HyperbolaDirectrix of a ParabolaDiscontinuityDiscontinuous FunctionDiscreteDiscriminant of a QuadraticDisjoint EventsDisjoint SetsDisjunctionDiskDisk MethodDistance FormulaDistance from a Point to a LineDistinctDistributeDistributing RulesDivergeDivergent SequenceDivergent SeriesDodecagonDodecahedronDomainDomain of DefinitionDot ProductDouble Angle IdentitiesDouble ConeDouble Number IdentitiesDouble RootDoubling TimeeEccentricityEchelon Form of a MatrixEdge of a PolyhedronElement of a MatrixElement of a SetEllipseEllipsoidElliptic GeometryEmpty SetEnd BehaviorEpsilon (Ε ε)Equality, Properties ofEquationEquation of a LineEquation RulesEquiangular TriangleEquidistantEquilateral TriangleEquivalence Properties of EqualityEquivalence RelationEquivalent Systems of EquationsEssential DiscontinuityEta (Η η)Euclidean GeometryEuler LineEuler's FormulaEuler's Formula (Polyhedra)EvaluateEven FunctionEven NumberEventExact Values of Trig FunctionsExclusive (interval)Exclusive orExpandExpansion by CofactorsExpected ValueExperimentExplicit DifferentiationExplicit Formula of a SequenceExplicit FunctionExponentExponent RulesExponential DecayExponential FunctionExponential GrowthExponential ModelExponentiationExpressionExterior Angle of a PolygonExtraneous SolutionExtreme Value TheoremExtreme Values of a PolynomialExtremumFace of a PolyhedronFactor of an IntegerFactor of a PolynomialFactor TheoremFactor TreeFactorialFactoring RulesFalling BodiesFibonacci SequenceFiniteFirst DerivativeFirst Derivative TestFirst Order Differential EquationFirst QuartileFive Number SummaryFixedFlipFloor FunctionFocal RadiusFoci of an EllipseFoci of a HyperbolaFocusFocus of a ParabolaFOIL MethodFormulaFractalFractionFraction RulesFractional EquationFractional ExponentsFractional ExpressionFrequency of a Periodic FunctionFrequency of Periodic MotionFrustum of a Cone or PyramidFunctionFunction OperationsFundamental Theorem of AlgebraFundamental Theorem of ArithmeticFundamental Theorem of CalculusGambling OddsGamma (Γ γ)Gauss-Jordan EliminationGaussian EliminationGaussian IntegerGCFGeneral Form for the Equation of a LineGeometric FigureGeometric MeanGeometric ProgressionGeometric SequenceGeometric SeriesGeometric SolidGeometryGLBGlideGlide ReflectionGlobal MaximumGlobal MinimumGolden MeanGolden RatioGolden RectangleGolden SpiralGoogolGoogolplexGraph of an Equation or InequalityGraphic MethodsGravityGreat CircleGreatest Common FactorGreatest Integer FunctionGreatest Lower BoundGreek AlphabetHalf Angle IdentitiesHalf-Closed IntervalHalf-LifeHalf Number IdentitiesHalf-Open IntervalHarmonic MeanHarmonic ProgressionHarmonic SequenceHarmonic SeriesHeightHeight of a ConeHeight of a CylinderHeight of a ParallelogramHeight of a PrismHeight of a PyramidHeight of a TrapezoidHeight of a TriangleHelixHeptagonHero's FormulaHeron's FormulaHexagonHexahedronHigh QuartileHigher DerivativeHigher QuartileHL CongruenceHL SimilarityHoleHomogeneous System of EquationsHorizontalHorizontal CompressionHorizontal DilationHorizontal EllipseHorizontal HyperbolaHorizontal Line EquationHorizontal Line TestHorizontal ParabolaHorizontal ReflectionHorizontal ShiftHorizontal ShrinkHorizontal StretchHorizontal TranslationHyperbolaHyperbolic GeometryHyperbolic TrigHyperbolic TrigonometryHypotenuseHypothesisiIcosahedronIdentity (Equation)Identity FunctionIdentity MatrixIdentity of an Operationif and only ifIf-Then StatementiffImage of a TransformationImaginary NumbersImaginary PartImplicit DifferentiationImplicit Function or RelationImpossible EventImproper FractionImproper IntegralImproper Rational ExpressionIncenterIncircleInclusive (interval)Inclusive orInconsistent System of EquationsIncreasing FunctionIndefinite IntegralIndefinite Integral RulesIndependent EventsIndependent VariableIndeterminate ExpressionIndirect ProofInductionInequalityInequality RulesInfiniteInfinite Geometric SeriesInfinite LimitInfinite SeriesInfinitesimalInfinityInflection PointInitial Side of an AngleInitial Value ProblemInner ProductInradiusInscribed Angle in a CircleInscribed CircleInstantaneous AccelerationInstantaneous Rate of ChangeInstantaneous VelocityIntegersIntegrable FunctionIntegralIntegral MethodsIntegral of a FunctionIntegral of a Power SeriesIntegral RulesIntegral TableIntegral TestIntegral Test RemainderIntegrandIntegrationIntegration by PartsIntegration by SubstitutionIntegration MethodsInterestInteriorInterior AngleIntermediate Value TheoremInterquartile RangeIntersectionIntervalInterval NotationInterval of ConvergenceInvariantInverseInverse CosecantInverse CosineInverse CotangentInverse FunctionInverse of a ConditionalInverse of a MatrixInverse of an OperationInverse ProportionInverse SecantInverse SineInverse TangentInverse TrigInverse Trig FunctionsInverse TrigonometryInverse VariationInversely ProportionalInvertible MatrixIota (Ι ι)IQRIrrational NumbersIsometryIsosceles TrapezoidIsosceles TriangleIterative ProcessIVPIVTJoint VariationJump DiscontinuityKappa (Κ κ)KiteL'Hôpital's RuleLambda (Λ λ)Lateral AreaLateral Surface AreaLateral Surface/FaceLatus RectumLaw of CosinesLaw of SinesLCMLeading CoefficientLeading TermLeast Common DenominatorLeast Common MultipleLeast Integer FunctionLeast-Squares FitLeast-Squares LineLeast-Squares Regression EquationLeast-Squares Regression LineLeast Upper BoundLeg of an Isosceles TriangleLeg of a Right TriangleLeg of a TrapezoidLemmaLemniscateLike TermsLimaçonLimitLimit Comparison TestLimit from AboveLimit from BelowLimit from the LeftLimit from the RightLimit Involving InfinityLimit Test for DivergenceLimits of IntegrationLineLine SegmentLinearLinear CombinationLinear EquationLinear FactorizationLinear FitLinear InequalityLinear Pair of AnglesLinear PolynomialLinear ProgrammingLinear RegressionLinear System of EquationsLocal BehaviorLocal MaximumLocal MinimumLocusLogarithmLogarithm RulesLogarithmic DifferentiationLogistic GrowthLong Division of PolynomialsLower BoundLower QuartileLSRLLUBMaclaurin SeriesMagnitudeMagnitude of a VectorMain Diagonal of a MatrixMajor ArcMajor Axis of an EllipseMajor Axis of a HyperbolaMajor Diameter of an EllipseMathematical ModelMatrixMatrix AdditionMatrix ElementMatrix InverseMatrix MultiplicationMatrix of CofactorsMatrix SubtractionMaximizeMaximum of a FunctionMeanMean of a Random VariableMean Value TheoremMean Value Theorem for IntegralsMeasure of an AngleMeasurementMedian of a Set of NumbersMedian of a TrapezoidMedian of a TriangleMember of an EquationMenelaus's TheoremMensurationMeshMidpointMidpoint FormulaMin/Max TheoremMinimizeMinimum of a FunctionMinor ArcMinor Axis of an EllipseMinor Axis of a HyperbolaMinor Diameter of an EllipseMinuteMixed NumberMöbius StripModeModelModified BoxplotModular ArithmeticModular EquivalenceModular Equivalence RulesModular NumbersModulo nModulus of a Complex NumberModus PonensModus TolensMomentMonomialMu (Μ μ)Multiplication RuleMultiplicative Inverse of a MatrixMultiplicative Inverse of a NumberMultiplicative Property of EqualityMultiplicityMultivariableMultivariable AnalysisMultivariable CalculusMultivariateMutually ExclusiveMVTn-Dimensionaln DimensionsNatural DomainNatural LogarithmNatural NumbersNegative DirectionNegative ExponentsNegative NumberNegative ReciprocalNegatively Associated DataNeighborhoodNewton's Methodn-gonNo SlopeNon-AdjacentNonagonNoncollinearNon-ConvexNon-Euclidean GeometryNoninvertible MatrixNonnegativeNonnegative IntegersNon-Overlapping SetsNonreal numbersNonsingular MatrixNontrivialNonzeroNorm of a PartitionNorm of a VectorNormalNormalizing a Vectornth Degree Taylor Polynomialnth Derivativenth Partial Sumnth Rootnth Root Rulesn-tupleNu (Ν ν)Null SetNumber LineNumeratorOblate SpheroidObliqueOblique AsymptoteOblique ConeOblique CylinderOblique PrismOblique PyramidObtuse AngleObtuse TriangleOctagonOctahedronOctantsOdd/Even IdentitiesOdd FunctionOdd NumberOddsOdds AgainstOdds in FavorOdds in GamblingOmega (Ω ω)Omicron (Ο ο)One DimensionOne-Sided LimitOne-to-One FunctionOpen IntervalOperations on FunctionsOpposite ReciprocalOrder of a Differential EquationOrdered PairOrdered TripleOrdinal NumbersOrdinary Differential EquationOrdinateOriginOrthocenterOrthogonalOutcomeOutlierOvalOverdetermined System of Equationsp-seriesPaired DataPappus's TheoremParabolaParallel Cross SectionsParallel LinesParallel PlanesParallel PostulateParallelepipedParallelogramParameter (algebra)Parametric Derivative FormulasParametric EquationsParametric Integral FormulaParametrizeParent FunctionsParenthesesPartial DerivativePartial Differential EquationPartial FractionsPartial Sum of a SeriesPartition of an IntervalPartition of a Positive IntegerPartition of a SetPascal's TrianglePentagonPer AnnumPercentilePerfect NumberPerfect SquarePerimeterPeriod of a Periodic FunctionPeriod of Periodic MotionPeriodic FunctionPeriodic MotionPeriodicity IdentitiesPermutationPermutation FormulaPerpendicularPerpendicular BisectorPhase ShiftPhi (Φ φ)Pi (Π π)Piecewise Continuous FunctionPiecewise FunctionPinching TheoremPlanePlane FigurePlane GeometryPlatonic SolidsPlus/Minus IdentitiesPointPoint of Division FormulaPoint of SymmetryPoint-Slope Equation of a LinePolar Angle of a Complex NumberPolar AxisPolar Conversion FormulasPolar CoordinatesPolar CurvesPolar Derivative FormulasPolar EquationPolar Form of a Complex NumberPolar Integral FormulaPolar-Rectangular Conversion FormulasPolygonPolygon InteriorPolyhedronPolynomialPolynomial FactsPolynomial Long DivisionPopulationPositive DirectionPositive NumberPositive SeriesPositively Associated DataPostulatePowerPower RulePower SeriesPower Series ConvergencePrecisionPre-Image of a TransformationPrime FactorizationPrime NumberPrincipalPrismProbabilityProductProduct RuleProduct to Sum IdentitiesProjectile MotionProlate SpheroidProof by ContradictionProper FractionProper Rational ExpressionProper SubsetProperties of EqualityProportionalPsi (Ψ ψ)Pure Imaginary NumbersPyramidPythagorean IdentitiesPythagorean TheoremPythagorean TripleQ1Q3QEDQuadrangleQuadrantal AngleQuadrantsQuadraticQuadratic EquationQuadratic FormulaQuadratic PolynomialQuadrilateralQuadrupleQuartic PolynomialQuartilesQuintic PolynomialQuintilesQuintupleQuotientQuotient RuleRadianRadicalRadical RulesRadicandRadius of a Circle or SphereRadius of ConvergenceRangeRatioRatio IdentitiesRatio TestRational EquationRational ExponentsRational ExpressionRational FunctionRational NumbersRational Root TheoremRational Zero TheoremRationalizing SubstitutionsRationalizing the DenominatorRayReal NumbersReal PartReciprocalReciprocal IdentitiesReciprocal RuleRectangleRectangular CoordinatesRectangular FormRectangular ParallelepipedRecursive Formula of a SequenceReduce a FractionReduced Row-Echelon Form of a MatrixReference AngleReflectionReflexive PropertyRegressionRegression EquationRegression LineRegular DodecahedronRegular HexahedronRegular IcosahedronRegular OctahedronRegular PolygonRegular PolyhedraRegular PrismRegular PyramidRegular Right PrismRegular Right PyramidRegular TetrahedronRelated RatesRelationRelative MaximumRelative MinimumRelatively PrimeRemainderRemainder of a SeriesRemainder TheoremRemovable DiscontinuityResidualRestricted DomainRestricted FunctionRho (Ρ ρ)RhombusRiemann SumRiemannian GeometryRight AngleRight Circular ConeRight Circular CylinderRight ConeRight CylinderRight PrismRight PyramidRight Regular PrismRight Regular PyramidRight Square ParallelepipedRight Square PrismRight TriangleRMSRolle's TheoremRoot Mean SquareRoot of an EquationRoot of a NumberRoot RulesRoot TestRose CurveRotationRounding a NumberRow-Echelon Form of a MatrixRow of a MatrixRow OperationsRow ReductionRPMSAA CongruenceSample SpaceSandwich TheoremSAS CongruenceSAS SimilaritySatisfyScalarScalar ProductScale FactorScalene TriangleScatterplotScientific Notationsecsec-1Sec-1Secant (Trig Function)Secant LineSecondSecond DerivativeSecond Derivative TestSecond Order Critical PointSecond Order Differential EquationSector of a CircleSegmentSegment of a CircleSelf-SimilaritySemicircleSemiperimeterSeparable Differential EquationSequenceSequence of Partial SumsSeriesSeries RulesSetSet BracesSet-Builder NotationSet ComplementSet IntersectionSet SubtractionSet UnionShell MethodShiftShrinkSide of an AngleSide of an EquationSide of a PolygonSigma (Σ σ)Sigma NotationSignificant DigitsSimilarSimilarity Tests for TrianglesSimple Closed CurveSimple Harmonic Motion (SHM)Simple InterestSimplifySimpson's RuleSimultaneous Equationssinsin-1Sin-1SineSingular MatrixSinusoidSkew LinesSlant HeightSlope-Intercept Equation of a LineSlope of a CurveSlope of a LineSOHCAHTOASolidSolid GeometrySolid of RevolutionSolutionSolution SetSolveSolve AnalyticallySolve GraphicallySpecial AnglesSpeedSphereSpherical TrigonometrySpheroidSpiralSpurious SolutionSquareSquare MatrixSquare RootSquare Root RulesSquare System of EquationsSqueeze TheoremSSASSS CongruenceSSS SimilarityStandard Form for the Equation of a LineStandard PositionStem-and-Leaf PlotStemplotStep DiscontinuityStep FunctionStewart's TheoremStraight AngleStretchStrict InequalitySubsetSubstitution MethodSubtraction of SetsSumSum/Difference IdentitiesSum Rule for ProbabilitySum to Product IdentitiesSupersetSupplementSupplementary AnglesSurdSure EventSurfaceSurface AreaSurface Area of a Surface of RevolutionSurface of RevolutionSymmetricSymmetric about the OriginSymmetric about the x-axisSymmetric about the y-axisSymmetric across the OriginSymmetric across the x-axisSymmetric across the y-axisSymmetric PropertySymmetric with Respect to the OriginSymmetric with Respect to the x-axisSymmetric with Respect to the y-axisSynthetic DivisionSynthetic SubstitutionSystem of EquationsSystem of InequalitiesSystem of Linear EquationsTable of IntegralsTakeout Angletantan-1Tan-1Tangent (Trig Function)Tangent LineTau (Τ τ)TautochroneTaylor PolynomialTaylor SeriesTaylor Series RemainderTermTerminal Side of an AngleTessellateTetrahedronTheoremTheorem of MenelausTheorem of PappusTheta (Θ θ)Third QuartileThree Dimensional CoordinatesThree DimensionsTilted AsymptoteToolkit FunctionsTorusTranscendental NumbersTransformationsTransitive Property of EqualityTransitive Property of InequalitiesTranslationTranspose of a MatrixTransversalTrapeziumTrapezoidTrapezoid RuleTriangleTriangle Congruence TestsTriangle InequalityTriangle Inequality with Absolute ValueTriangle Similarity TestsTriangulationTrichotomyTrigTrig FunctionsTrig IdentitiesTrig SubstitutionTrig Values of Special AnglesTrigonometryTrinomialTripleTriple RootTriple (Scalar) ProductTrivialTruncated Cone or PyramidTruncated Cylinder or PrismTruncating a NumberTwin PrimesTwo DimensionsTwo Intercept Form for the Equation of a Lineu-SubstitutionUnbounded Set of NumbersUncountableUncountably InfiniteUndecagonUndefined SlopeUnderdetermined System of EquationsUniformUnionUnit CircleUnit Circle Trig DefinitionsUnit VectorUpper BoundUpper QuartileUpsilon (Υ υ)VariableVarignon Parallelogram of a QuadrilateralVectorVector CalculusVelocityVenn DiagramsVerify a SolutionVertexVertex of an EllipseVertex of a HyperbolaVertex of a ParabolaVerticalVertical AnglesVertical CompressionVertical DilationVertical EllipseVertical HyperbolaVertical Line EquationVertical Line TestVertical ParabolaVertical ReflectionVertical ShiftVertical ShrinkVertical StretchVertical TranslationVertices of an EllipseVertices of a HyperbolaVinculumVolumeVolume by Parallel Cross SectionsWasherWasher MethodWavelengthWeighted AverageWhole NumbersWorkx-interceptx-y Planex-z PlaneXi (Ξ ξ)y-intercepty-z Planez-interceptZeroZero DimensionsZero MatrixZero of a FunctionZero SlopeZero VectorZeta (Ζ ζ)Those are just all of the words but im gonna get the meanigs for you if i can.
The following is an alphabetized list of all the films which have won an Academy Award, This list follows the standard convention of ignoring articles (a, an, the). the first number following the title is the year that the film was released, the second number is the number of Oscars that the film won, and the third number is the number of Oscars that the film was nominated for. On March 7, 2010, this list will become incomplete. For an updated list, see related links below.20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, 1954, 2, 32001: A Space Odyssey, 1968, 1, 47th Heaven, 1927/1928, 3, 58 Mile, 2002, 1, 1Abyss, The, 1989, 1, 4Accidental Tourist, The, 1988, 1, 4Accountant, The, 2001, 1, 1Accused, The, 1988, 1, 1Adaptation., 2002, 1, 4Adventures of Don Juan, 1949, 1, 2Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, The, 1994, 1, 1Adventures of Robin Hood, The, 1938, 3, 4Affliction, 1998, 1, 2African Queen, The, 1951, 1, 4Age of Innocence, The, 1993, 1, 5Air Force, 1943, 1, 4Airport, 1970, 1, 10Aladdin, 1992, 2, 5Alamo, The, 1960, 1, 7Alaskan Eskimo, The, 1953, 1, 1Albert Schweitzer, 1957, 1, 1Alexander's Ragtime Band, 1938, 1, 6Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, 1974, 1, 3Alien, 1979, 1, 2Aliens, 1986, 2, 7All About Eve, 1950, 6, 14All About My Mother (Todo sobre mi madre), 1999, 1, 1All Quiet on the Western Front, 1929/1930, 2, 4All That Jazz, 1979, 4, 9All That Money Can Buy (The Devil and Daniel Webster), 1941, 1, 2All the King's Men, 1949, 3, 7All the President's Men, 1976, 4, 8Almost Famous, 2000, 1, 4Ama Girls, 1958, 1, 1Amadeus, 1984, 8, 11Amarcord, 1973, 1, 3[1]America, America, 1963, 1, 4American Beauty, 1999, 5, 8American Dream, 1990, 1, 1American in Paris, An, 1951, 6, 8American Werewolf in London, An, 1981, 1, 1Amphibious Fighters, 1943, 1, 1Anastasia, 1956, 1, 2Anchors Aweigh, 1945, 1, 5Anderson Platoon, The (La Section Anderson), 1967, 1, 1Angel and Big Joe, 1975, 1, 1Anna & Bella, 1985, 1, 1Anna and the King of Siam, 1946, 2, 5Anne Frank Remembered, 1995, 1, 1Anne of the Thousand Days, 1969, 1, 10Annie Get Your Gun, 1950, 1, 4Annie Hall, 1977, 4, 5Anthony Adverse, 1936, 4, 7Antonia's Line (Antonia), 1995, 1, 1Apartment, The, 1960, 5, 10Apocalypse Now, 1979, 2, 8Apollo 13, 1995, 2, 9Appointments of Dennis Jennings, The, 1988, 1, 1Aquatic House Party, 1949, 1, 1Arise, My Love, 1940, 1, 4Around the World in 80 Days, 1956, 5, 8Arthur, 1981, 2, 4Arthur Rubinstein - The Love of Life (L'Amour de la vie - Artur Rubinstein), 1969, 1, 1Artie Shaw: Time Is All You've Got, 1986, 1, 1As Good as It Gets, 1997, 2, 7Assault, The (De Aanslag), 1986, 1, 1Atonement, 2007, 1, 7Aviator, The, 2004, 5, 11Awful Truth, The, 1937, 1, 6Babe, 1995, 1, 7Babel, 2006, 1, 7Babette's Feast (Babettes gæstebud), 1987, 1, 1Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer, The, 1947, 1, 1Back to the Future, 1985, 1, 4Bad and the Beautiful, The, 1952, 5, 6Bad Girl, 1931/1932, 2, 3Balance, 1989, 1, 1Barbarian Invasions, The, 2003, 1, 2Barefoot Contessa, The, 1954, 1, 2Barry Lyndon, 1975, 4, 7Batman, 1989, 1, 1Battle of Midway, The, 1942, 1, 1Battleground, 1949, 2, 6Bear Country, 1953, 1, 1Beautiful Mind, A, 2001, 4, 8Beauty and the Beast, 1991, 2, 6Becket, 1964, 1, 12Bedknobs and Broomsticks, 1971, 1, 5Beetlejuice, 1988, 1, 1Being There, 1979, 1, 2Belle Epoque (The Age of Beauty), 1993, 1, 1Bells of St. Mary's, The, 1945, 1, 8Ben-Hur, 1959, 11, 12Benjy, 1951, 1, 1Bespoke Overcoat, The, 1956, 1, 1Best Boy, 1979, 1, 1Best Years of Our Lives, The, 1946, 7, 8[2]Beyond the Line of Duty, 1942, 1, 1Big Broadcast of 1938, The, 1938, 1, 1Big Country, The, 1958, 1, 2Big House, The, 1929/1930, 2, 4Big Mama, 2000, 1, 1Bird, 1988, 1, 1Birds Anonymous, 1957, 1, 1Bishop's Wife, The, 1947, 1, 5Black and White in Color (Noirs et blancs en couleur), 1976, 1, 1Black Fox, 1962, 1, 1Black Hawk Down, 2001, 2, 4Black Narcissus, 1947, 2, 2Black Orpheus (Orfeu Negro), 1959, 1, 1Black Swan, The, 1942, 1, 3Blithe Spirit, 1946, 1, 1Blood and Sand, 1941, 1, 2Blood of Yingzhou District, The, 2006, 1, 1Blood on the Sun, 1945, 1, 1Blossoms in the Dust, 1941, 1, 4Blue Sky, 1994, 1, 1Board and Care, 1979, 1, 1Bob's Birthday, 1994, 1, 1Body and Soul, 1947, 1, 3Bolero, The, 1973, 1, 1Bonnie and Clyde, 1967, 2, 10Bored of Education, 1936, 1, 1Born Free, 1966, 2, 2Born into Brothels, 2004, 1, 1Born on the Fourth of July, 1989, 2, 8Born Yesterday, 1950, 1, 5Bound for Glory, 1976, 2, 6Bourne Ultimatum, The, 2007, 3, 3Bowling for Columbine, 2002, 1, 1Box, The, 1967, 1, 1Boy and His Dog, A, 1946, 1, 1Boys and Girls, 1983, 1, 1Boys Don't Cry, 1999, 1, 2Boys Town, 1938, 2, 5Bram Stoker's Dracula, 1992, 3, 4Brave One, The, 1956, 1, 3Braveheart, 1995, 5, 10Breakfast at Tiffany's, 1961, 2, 5Breaking Away, 1979, 1, 5Breaking the Sound Barrier, 1952, 1, 2Breathing Lessons: The Life and Work of Mark O'Brien, 1996, 1, 1Bridge of San Luis Rey, The, 1928/1929, 1, 1Bridge on the River Kwai, The, 1957, 7, 8Bridges at Toko-Ri, The, 1955, 1, 2Broadway Melody of 1936, 1935, 1, 3Broadway Melody, The, 1928/1929, 1, 3Brokeback Mountain, 2005, 3, 8Broken Lance, 1954, 1, 2Broken Rainbow, 1985, 1, 1Buddy Holly Story, The, 1978, 1, 3Bugsy, 1991, 2, 10Bullets Over Broadway, 1994, 1, 7Bullitt, 1968, 1, 2Bunny, 1998, 1, 1Burnt by the Sun (Utomlyonnye solntsem), 1994, 1, 1Busy Little Bears, 1939, 1, 1Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 1969, 4, 7BUtterfield 8, 1960, 1, 2Butterflies Are Free, 1972, 1, 3Cabaret, 1972, 8, 10Cactus Flower, 1969, 1, 1Calamity Jane, 1953, 1, 3California Suite, 1978, 1, 3Call Me Madam, 1953, 1, 2Camelot, 1967, 3, 5Candidate, The, 1972, 1, 2Capote, 2005, 1, 5Captain Carey, U.S.A., 1950, 1, 1Captains Courageous, 1937, 1, 4Casablanca, 1943, 3, 8Casals Conducts: 1964, 1964, 1, 1Cat Ballou, 1965, 1, 5Cat Concerto, The, 1947, 1, 1Cavalcade, 1932/1933, 3, 4Chagall, 1963, 1, 1Champ, The, 1931/1932, 2, 4Champion, 1949, 1, 6Chance to Live, A, 1949, 1, 1Character (Karakter), 1997, 1, 1Charade, 1984, 1, 1Charge of the Light Brigade, The, 1936, 1, 3Chariots of Fire, 1981, 4, 7Charly, 1968, 1, 1Chernobyl Heart, 2003, 1, 1Chicago, 2002, 6, 13Chicken, The (Le Poulet), 1965, 1, 1Children of a Lesser God, 1986, 1, 5Chinatown, 1974, 1, 11Christmas Carol, A, 1972, 1, 1[3]Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The, 2005, 1, 3Chubbchubbs!, The, 2002, 1, 1Churchill's Island, 1941, 1, 1Cider House Rules, The, 1999, 2, 7Cimarron, 1930/1931, 3, 7Cinema Paradiso, 1989, 1, 1Citizen Kane, 1941, 1, 9City of Wax, 1934, 1, 1City Slickers, 1991, 1, 1Cleopatra, 1934, 1, 5Cleopatra, 1963, 4, 9Climbing the Matterhorn, 1947, 1, 1Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 1977, 2, 9Close Harmony, 1981, 1, 1Close Shave, A, 1995, 1, 1Closed Mondays, 1974, 1, 1Closely Watched Trains (Ostre sledované vlaky), 1966, 1, 1Coal Miner's Daughter, 1980, 1, 7Cocoon, 1985, 2, 2Cold Mountain, 2003, 1, 7Color of Money, The, 1986, 1, 4Color Purple, The, 1985, 0, 11Come and Get It, 1936, 1, 2Come Back, Little Sheba, 1952, 1, 3Coming Home, 1978, 3, 8Common Threads: Stories from the Quilt, 1989, 1, 1Constant Gardener, The, 2005, 1, 4Cool Hand Luke, 1967, 1, 4Coquette, 1928/1929, 1, 1Counterfeiters, The (Die Fälscher), 2007, 1, 1Country Cousin, The, 1936, 1, 1Country Girl, The, 1954, 2, 7Cover Girl, 1944, 1, 5Cowboy and the Lady, The, 1938, 1, 3Crac, 1981, 1, 1Crash, 2005, 3, 6Crash Dive, 1943, 1, 1Crashing the Water Barrier, 1956, 1, 1Creature Comforts, 1989, 1, 1Cries and Whispers (Viskningar och rop), 1972, 1, 5Critic, The, 1963, 1, 1Cromwell, 1970, 1, 2Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, 2000, 4, 10Crunch Bird, The, 1971, 1, 1Crying Game, The, 1992, 1, 6Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The, 2008, 3, 13Cyrano de Bergerac, 1950, 1, 1Cyrano de Bergerac, 1990, 1, 5Czechoslovakia 1968, 1969, 1, 1Damsel in Distress, A, 1937, 1, 2Dances with Wolves, 1990, 7, 12Dangerous, 1935, 1, 1Dangerous Liaisons, 1988, 3, 7Dangerous Moves (La Diagonale du fou), 1984, 1, 1Danish Poet, The, 2006, 1, 1Dark Angel, The, 1935, 1, 3Dark Knight, The, 2008, 2, 8Darling, 1965, 3, 5Dawn Patrol, The, 1930/1931, 1, 1Day for Night (La Nuit américaine), 1973, 1, 4Day of the Painter, 1960, 1, 1Daybreak in Udi, 1949, 1, 1Days of Heaven, 1978, 1, 4Days of Waiting, 1990, 1, 1Days of Wine and Roses, 1962, 1, 5Dead Man Walking, 1995, 1, 4Dead Poets Society, 1989, 1, 4Deadly Deception: General Electric, Nuclear Weapons and Our Environment, 1991, 1, 1Dear Diary, 1996, 1, 1Death Becomes Her, 1992, 1, 1Death on the Nile, 1978, 1, 1December 7th, 1943, 1, 1Declaration of Independence, 1938, 1, 1Deer Hunter, The, 1978, 5, 9Defending Our Lives, 1993, 1, 1Defiant Ones, The, 1958, 2, 9Departed, The, 2006, 4, 5Departures, 2008, 1, 1Der Fuehrer's Face, 1942, 1, 1Dersu Uzala, 1975, 1, 1Desert Victory, 1943, 1, 1Design for Death, 1947, 1, 1Designing Woman, 1957, 1, 1Destination Moon, 1950, 1, 2Diary of Anne Frank, The, 1959, 3, 8Dick Tracy, 1990, 3, 7Dirty Dancing, 1987, 1, 1Dirty Dozen, The, 1967, 1, 4Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The (Le Charme discret de la bourgeoisie), 1972, 1, 2Disraeli, 1929/1930, 1, 3Divine Lady, The, 1928/1929, 1, 3Divorce, Italian Style, 1962, 1, 3Divorcee, The, 1929/1930, 1, 4Doctor Dolittle, 1967, 2, 9Doctor Zhivago, 1965, 5, 10Dodsworth, 1936, 1, 7Dog Day Afternoon, 1975, 1, 6Dollar Bottom, The, 1980, 1, 1Don't, 1974, 1, 1Dot and the Line, The (The Dot and the Line: A Romance in Lower Mathematics), 1965, 1, 1Double Life, A, 1947, 2, 4Dove, The, 1927/1928, 1, 1Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1931/1932, 1, 3Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (How the Grinch Stole Christmas), 2000, 1, 3Dreamgirls, 2006, 2, 8Driving Miss Daisy, 1989, 4, 9Duchess, The, 2008, 1, 2Dumbo, 1941, 1, 2Dylan Thomas, 1962, 1, 1E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, 1982, 4, 9Earthquake, 1974, 1, 4[4]East of Eden, 1955, 1, 4Easter Parade, 1948, 1, 1Ed Wood, 1994, 2, 2Educating Peter, 1992, 1, 1Election Night (Valgaften), 1998, 1, 1Eleanor Roosevelt Story, The, 1965, 1, 1Elizabeth, 1998, 1, 7Elizabeth: The Golden Age, 2007, 1, 2Elmer Gantry, 1960, 3, 5Emma, 1996, 1, 2Empire Strikes Back, The, 1980, 1, 3[5]End of the Game, The, 1975, 1, 1Enemy Below, The, 1957, 1, 1English Patient, The, 1996, 9, 12Erin Brockovich, 2000, 1, 5Ersatz (Surogat), 1961, 1, 1Eskimo, 1934, 1, 1Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, 2004, 1, 2Every Child, 1979, 1, 1Evita, 1996, 1, 5Exodus, 1960, 1, 3Exorcist, The, 1973, 2, 10Face of Lincoln, The, 1955, 1, 2Facing Your Danger, 1946, 1, 1Facts of Life, The, 1960, 1, 5Fame, 1980, 2, 6Fanny & Alexander (Fanny och Alexander), 1982, 4, 6Fantastic Voyage, 1966, 2, 5Farewell to Arms, A, 1932/1933, 2, 4Fargo, 1996, 2, 7Farmer's Daughter, The, 1947, 1, 2Father and Daughter, 2000, 1, 1Father Goose, 1964, 1, 3Federico Fellini's 8½, 1963, 2, 5Fellini's Casanova (Il Casanova di Federico Fellini), 1976, 1, 2Ferdinand the Bull, 1938, 1, 1Fiddler on the Roof, 1971, 3, 8Fighting Lady, The, 1944, 1, 1Finding Nemo, 2003, 1, 4Finding Neverland, 2004, 1, 7First Steps, 1947, 1, 1Fish Called Wanda, A, 1988, 1, 3Fisher King, The, 1991, 1, 5Flamenco at 5:15, 1983, 1, 1Flashdance, 1983, 1, 4Flight of the Gossamer Condor, The, 1978, 1, 1Flowers and Trees, 1931/1932, 1, 1Fly, The (A Légy), 1980, 1, 1Fly, The, 1986, 1, 1Fog of War, The (The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara), 2003, 1, 1For Scent-imental Reasons, 1949, 1, 1For the Birds, 2000, 1, 1For Whom the Bell Tolls, 1943, 1, 9Forrest Gump, 1994, 6, 13Fortune Cookie, The, 1966, 1, 4Frank Film, 1973, 1, 1Franz Kafka's It's a Wonderful Life, 1994, 1, 1Free Soul, A, 1930/1931, 1, 3Freeheld, 2007, 1, 1French Connection, The, 1971, 5, 8Frenchman's Creek, 1944, 1, 1Frida, 2002, 2, 6From Here to Eternity, 1953, 8, 13From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China, 1981, 1, 1Fugitive, The, 1993, 1, 7Full Monty, The, 1997, 1, 4Funny Girl, 1968, 1, 8Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, A, 1966, 1, 1Gandhi, 1982, 8, 11Garden of the Finzi-Continis, The (Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini), 1970, 1, 2Gaslight, 1944, 2, 7Gate of Hell (Jigokumon), 1953, 1, 2Gay Divorcee, The, 1934, 1, 5Genocide, 1982, 1, 1Gentleman's Agreement, 1947, 3, 8Gerald McBoing-Boing, 1951, 1, 1Geri's Game, 1997, 1, 1Get Out Your Handkerchiefs (Préparez vos mouchoirs), 1978, 1, 1Ghost, 1990, 2, 5Ghost and the Darkness, The, 1996, 1, 1Giant, 1956, 1, 10Gigi, 1958, 9, 9Girl, Interrupted, 1999, 1, 1Giuseppina, 1960, 1, 1Give Me Liberty, 1936, 1, 1Gladiator, 2000, 5, 12Glass (Glas), 1959, 1, 1Glenn Miller Story, The, 1954, 1, 3Glory, 1989, 3, 5Godfather, The, 1972, 3, 11Godfather Part II, The, 1974, 6, 11Gods and Monsters, 1998, 1, 3Going My Way, 1944, 7, 10Gold Diggers of 1935, 1935, 1, 2Golden Compass, The, 2007, 1, 2Golden Fish, The (Histoire d'un poisson rouge), 1959, 1, 1Goldfinger, 1964, 1, 1Gone with the Wind, 1939, 8, 13Good Earth, The, 1937, 2, 5Good Will Hunting, 1997, 2, 9Goodbye Girl, The, 1977, 1, 5Goodbye, Miss Turlock, 1947, 1, 1Goodbye, Mr. Chips, 1939, 1, 7Goodfellas, 1990, 1, 6Gosford Park, 2001, 1, 7Graduate, The, 1967, 1, 7Grand Canyon, 1958, 1, 1Grand Hotel, 1931/1932, 1, 1Grand Prix, 1966, 3, 3Grandad of Races, 1950, 1, 1Grapes of Wrath, The, 1940, 2, 7Gravity Is My Enemy, 1977, 1, 1Great (Great (Isambard Kingdom Brunel)), 1975, 1, 1Great American Cowboy, The, 1973, 1, 1Great Caruso, The, 1951, 1, 3Great Expectations, 1946, 2, 5Great Gatsby, The, 1974, 2, 2Great Lie, The, 1941, 1, 1Great McGinty, The, 1940, 1, 1Great Race, The, 1965, 1, 5Great Waltz, The, 1938, 1, 3Great Ziegfeld, The, 1936, 3, 7Greatest Show on Earth, The, 1952, 2, 5Greek Tragedy, A, 1986, 1, 1Green Dolphin Street, 1947, 1, 4Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, 1967, 2, 10Guns of Navarone, The, 1961, 1, 7Hamlet, 1948, 4, 7Hannah and Her Sisters, 1986, 3, 7Happy Feet, 2006, 1, 1Harlan County U.S.A., 1976, 1, 1Harry and the Hendersons, 1987, 1, 1Harry and Tonto, 1974, 1, 2Harvey, 1950, 1, 2Harvey Girls, The, 1946, 1, 2Harvie Krumpet, 2003, 1, 1He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin', 1983, 1, 1Hearts and Minds, 1974, 1, 1Heaven Can Wait, 1978, 1, 9Heavenly Music, 1943, 1, 1Heiress, The, 1949, 4, 8Helen Keller in Her Story (The Unconquered), 1954, 1, 1Hello, Dolly!, 1969, 3, 7Hello, Frisco, Hello, 1943, 1, 2Hellstrom Chronicle, The, 1971, 1, 1Henry V, 1989, 1, 3Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature, 1966, 1, 1Here Comes Mr. Jordan, 1941, 2, 7Here Comes the Groom, 1951, 1, 2Heureux Anniversaire (Happy Anniversary), 1962, 1, 1High and the Mighty, The, 1954, 1, 6High Noon, 1952, 4, 7Hindenburg, The, 1975, 0, 3[6]Hitler Lives, 1945, 1, 1Hole, The, 1962, 1, 1Hole in the Head, A, 1959, 1, 1Holiday Inn, 1942, 1, 3Horse with the Flying Tail, The, 1960, 1, 1Hospital, The, 1971, 1, 2Hotel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie (Hôtel Terminus), 1988, 1, 1Hours, The, 2002, 1, 9House on 92nd Street, The, 1945, 1, 1How Green Was My Valley, 1941, 5, 10How the West Was Won, 1963, 3, 8How to Sleep, 1935, 1, 1Howards End, 1992, 3, 9Hud, 1963, 3, 7Human Comedy, The, 1943, 1, 5Hunt for Red October, The, 1990, 1, 3Hurricane, The, 1937, 1, 3Hustle & Flow, 2005, 1, 2Hustler, The, 1961, 2, 9I Am a Promise: The Children of Stanton Elementary School, 1993, 1, 1I Want to Live!, 1958, 1, 6I Wanted Wings, 1941, 1, 1I Won't Play, 1944, 1, 1If You Love This Planet, 1982, 1, 1Il Postino (The Postman), 1995, 1, 5I'll Cry Tomorrow, 1955, 1, 4I'll Find a Way, 1977, 1, 1In Beaver Valley, 1950, 1, 1In Old Arizona, 1928/1929, 1, 5In Old Chicago, 1937, 2, 6In the Heat of the Night, 1967, 5, 7In the Region of Ice, 1976, 1, 1In the Shadow of the Stars, 1991, 1, 1Inconvenient Truth, An, 2006, 2, 2Incredibles, The, 2004, 2, 4Independence Day, 1996, 1, 2Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, 1989, 1, 3Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, 1984, 1, 2Indochine, 1992, 1, 2Informer, The, 1935, 4, 6Innerspace, 1987, 1, 1Interrupted Melody, 1955, 1, 3Interviews with My Lai Veterans, 1970, 1, 1Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport, 2000, 1, 1Invaders, The, 1941, 1, 3Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto), 1970, 1, 2Iris, 2001, 1, 3Irma la Douce, 1963, 1, 3Is It Always Right to Be Right?, 1970, 1, 1It Happened One Night, 1934, 5, 5It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World, 1963, 1, 6It's Tough to Be a Bird, 1969, 1, 1Jacques-Yves Cousteau's World Without Sun (Le Monde sans soleil), 1964, 1, 1Jaws, 1975, 3, 4Jerry Maguire, 1996, 1, 5Jezebel, 1938, 2, 5JFK, 1991, 2, 8Joan of Arc, 1948, 2, 8Johann Mouse, 1952, 1, 1Johnny Belinda, 1948, 1, 12Johnny Eager, 1942, 1, 1Johnstown Flood, The, 1989, 1, 1Joker Is Wild, The, 1957, 1, 1Jolson Story, The, 1946, 2, 6Journey Into Self, 1968, 1, 1Journey of Hope (Reise der Hoffnung), 1990, 1, 1Judgment at Nuremberg, 1961, 2, 11Julia, 1977, 3, 11Julius Caesar, 1953, 1, 5Juno, 2007, 1, 4Jurassic Park, 1993, 3, 3Just Another Missing Kid, 1981, 1, 1[7]Karl Hess: Toward Liberty, 1980, 1, 1Kentucky, 1938, 1, 1Key Largo, 1948, 1, 1Killing Fields, The, 1984, 3, 7King and I, The, 1956, 5, 9King Gimp, 1999, 1, 1King Kong, 1976, 0, 2[8]King Kong, 2005, 3, 4King of Jazz, 1929/1930, 1, 1King Solomon's Mines, 1950, 2, 3Kiss of the Spider Woman, 1985, 1, 4Kitty Foyle (Kitty Foyle: The Natural History of a Woman), 1940, 1, 5Klute, 1971, 1, 2Knighty Knight Bugs, 1958, 1, 1Kolya, 1996, 1, 1Kon-Tiki, 1950, 1, 1Krakatoa, 1932/1933, 1, 1Kramer vs. Kramer, 1979, 5, 9L.A. Confidential, 1997, 2, 9La Cucaracha, 1934, 1, 1La Dolce Vita, 1961, 1, 4La Vie en rose, 2007, 2, 3Lady Be Good, 1941, 1, 1Last Command, The, 1927/1928, 1, 2Last Days, The, 1998, 1, 1Last Emperor, The, 1987, 9, 9Last King of Scotland, The, 2006, 1, 1Last of the Mohicans, The, 1992, 1, 1Last Picture Show, The, 1971, 2, 8Laura, 1944, 1, 5Lavender Hill Mob, The, 1952, 1, 2Lawrence of Arabia, 1962, 7, 10Le Mozart des Pickpockets (The Mozart of Pickpockets), 2007, 1, 1Leave Her to Heaven, 1945, 1, 4Leaving Las Vegas, 1995, 1, 4Legends of the Fall, 1994, 1, 3Leisure, 1976, 1, 1Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, 2005, 1, 4Lend a Paw, 1941, 1, 1Les Girls, 1957, 1, 3Let It Be, 1970, 1, 1Letter to Three Wives, A, 1949, 2, 3Letters from Iwo Jima, 2006, 1, 4Lieberman in Love, 1995, 1, 1Life Is Beautiful (La vita è bella), 1998, 3, 7Life of Émile Zola, The, 1937, 3, 10Light in the Window, 1952, 1, 1Lili, 1953, 1, 6Lilies of the Field, 1963, 1, 5Limelight, 1952, 1, 1[9]Lion in Winter, The, 1968, 3, 7Lion King, The, 1994, 2, 4Little Mermaid, The, 1989, 2, 3Little Miss Sunshine, 2006, 2, 4Little Night Music, A, 1977, 1, 2Little Orphan, The, 1948, 1, 1Little Romance, A, 1979, 1, 2Little Women, 1932/1933, 1, 3Little Women, 1949, 1, 2Lives of a Bengal Lancer, The, 1935, 1, 8Lives of Others, The (Das Leben der Anderen), 2006, 1, 1Living Desert, The, 1953, 1, 1Logan's Run, 1976, 0, 2[10]Long Way Home, The, 1997, 1, 1Longest Day, The, 1962, 2, 5Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The, 2001, 4, 13Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The, 2003, 11, 11Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The, 2002, 2, 6Lost Horizon, 1937, 2, 7Lost in Translation, 2003, 1, 4Lost Weekend, The, 1945, 4, 7Love Is a Many-Splendored Thing, 1955, 3, 8Love Me or Leave Me, 1955, 1, 6Love Story, 1970, 1, 7Lovers and Other Strangers, 1970, 1, 3Lunch Date, The, 1990, 1, 1Lust for Life, 1956, 1, 4Madame Rosa (La Vie devant soi), 1977, 1, 1Madness of King George, The, 1994, 1, 4Magic Machines, The, 1969, 1, 2Magoo's Puddle Jumper, 1956, 1, 1Main Street on the March!, 1941, 1, 1Man and a Woman, A, 1966, 2, 4Man for All Seasons, A, 1966, 6, 8Man on Wire, 2008, 1, 1Man Who Knew Too Much, The, 1956, 1, 1Man Who Planted Trees, The (L' Homme qui plantait des arbres), 1987, 1, 1Man Who Skied Down Everest, The, 1975, 1, 1Manhattan Melodrama, 1934, 1, 1Manipulation, 1991, 1, 1March of the Penguins (La Marche de l'empereur), 2005, 1, 1Marie Antoinette, 2006, 1, 1Marie-Louise, 1945, 1, 1Marjoe, 1972, 1, 1Marooned, 1969, 1, 3Marty, 1955, 4, 8Mary Poppins, 1964, 5, 13M*A*S*H, 1970, 1, 5Mask, 1985, 1, 1Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, 2003, 2, 10Matrix, The, 1999, 4, 4Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision, 1994, 1, 1Mediterraneo, 1991, 1, 1Melvin and Howard, 1980, 2, 3Memoirs of a Geisha, 2005, 3, 6Men Against the Arctic, 1955, 1, 1Men in Black, 1997, 1, 3Mephisto, 1981, 1, 1Merry Widow, The, 1934, 1, 1Michael Clayton, 2007, 1, 7Midnight Cowboy, 1969, 3, 7Midnight Express, 1978, 2, 6Midsummer Night's Dream, A, 1935, 2, 4[11]Mighty Aphrodite, 1995, 1, 2Mighty Joe Young, 1949, 1, 1Mighty Times: The Children's March, 2004, 1, 1Milagro Beanfield War, The, 1988, 1, 1Mildred Pierce, 1945, 1, 6Milk, 2008, 2, 8Milky Way, The, 1940, 1, 1Million Dollar Baby, 2004, 4, 7Min and Bill, 1930/1931, 1, 1Miracle on 34th Street, 1947, 3, 4Miracle Worker, The, 1962, 2, 5Misery, 1990, 1, 1Missing, 1982, 1, 4Mission, The, 1986, 1, 7Mississippi Burning, 1988, 1, 7Mister Roberts, 1955, 1, 3Molly's Pilgrim, 1985, 1, 1Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase, 1992, 1, 1Monster, 2003, 1, 1Monster's Ball, 2001, 1, 2Monsters, Inc., 2001, 1, 4Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation, The, 2005, 1, 1Moonbird, 1959, 1, 1Moonstruck, 1987, 3, 6More the Merrier, The, 1943, 1, 6Morning Glory, 1932/1933, 1, 1Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears, 1980, 1, 1Mother Wore Tights, 1947, 1, 3Motorcycle Diaries, The, 2004, 1, 2Moulin Rouge, 1952, 2, 7Moulin Rouge!, 2001, 2, 8Mouse Trouble, 1944, 1, 1Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, 1936, 1, 5Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, 1939, 1, 11Mrs. Doubtfire, 1993, 1, 1Mrs. Miniver, 1942, 6, 12Munro, 1961, 1, 1Murder on a Sunday Morning (Un coupable idéal), 2001, 1, 1Murder on the Orient Express, 1974, 1, 6Music Box, The, 1931/1932, 1, 1Music Man, The, 1962, 1, 6Mutiny on the Bounty, 1935, 1, 8My Cousin Vinny, 1992, 1, 1My Fair Lady, 1964, 8, 12My Gal Sal, 1942, 1, 2My Left Foot, 1989, 2, 5My Mother Dreams the Satan's Disciples in New York, 1999, 1, 1My Uncle (Mon oncle), 1958, 1, 1Mystic River, 2003, 2, 6Naked City, The, 1948, 2, 3Nashville, 1975, 1, 5National Velvet, 1944, 2, 5Nature's Half Acre, 1951, 1, 1Naughty Marietta, 1935, 1, 2Neighbours, 1952, 1, 2Neptune's Daughter, 1949, 1, 1Network, 1976, 4, 10Never on Sunday (Pote tin Kyriaki), 1960, 1, 5Nicholas and Alexandra, 1971, 2, 6Night of the Iguana, The, 1964, 1, 4Nights of Cabiria (Le Notti di Cabiria), 1957, 1, 1Nine from Little Rock, 1964, 1, 1No Country for Old Men, 2007, 4, 8No Man's Land, 2001, 1, 1None But the Lonely Heart, 1944, 1, 4Norma Rae, 1979, 2, 4Norman Rockwell's World... An American Dream, 1972, 1, 1North West Mounted Police, 1940, 1, 5Note of Triumph: The Golden Age of Norman Corwin, A, 2005, 1, 1Now, Voyager, 1942, 1, 3Nowhere in Africa (Nirgendwo in Afrika), 2001, 1, 1Number Our Days, 1976, 1, 1Nutty Professor, The, 1996, 1, 1Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, An, 1963, 1, 1[12]Of Pups and Puzzles, 1941, 1, 1Officer and a Gentleman, An, 1982, 2, 6Official Story, The (La Historia oficial), 1985, 1, 2Oklahoma!, 1955, 2, 4Old Man and the Sea, The, 1958, 1, 3Old Man and the Sea, The, 1999, 1, 1Old Mill, The, 1937, 1, 1Oliver!, 1968, 6, 11Omen, The, 1976, 1, 2Omnibus, 1992, 1, 1On Golden Pond, 1981, 3, 10On the Town, 1949, 1, 1On the Waterfront, 1954, 8, 12Once, 2007, 1, 1One Day in September, 1999, 1, 1One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, 1975, 5, 9One Hundred Men and a Girl, 1937, 1, 5One Night of Love, 1934, 3, 6One Survivor Remembers, 1995, 1, 1One Way Passage, 1932/1933, 1, 1One-Eyed Men Are Kings (...borgnes sont rois, Les), 1974, 1, 1Ordinary People, 1980, 4, 6Out of Africa, 1985, 7, 11Overture to The Merry Wives of Windsor, 1953, 1, 1Paleface, The, 1948, 1, 1Panama Deception, The, 1992, 1, 1Panic in the Streets, 1950, 1, 1Pan's Labyrinth (El laberinto del fauno), 2006, 3, 6Papa's Delicate Condition, 1963, 1, 1Paper Chase, The, 1973, 1, 3Paper Moon, 1973, 1, 4Passage to India, A, 1984, 2, 11Patch of Blue, A, 1965, 1, 5Patriot, The, 1928/1929, 1, 5Patton, 1970, 7, 10Paul Robeson: Tribute to an Artist, 1979, 1, 1Pearl Harbor, 2001, 1, 4Pelle the Conqueror (Pelle erobreren), 1987, 1, 2Penny Wisdom, 1937, 1, 1Personals, The, 1998, 1, 1Peter & the Wolf, 2006, 1, 1Phantom of the Opera, 1943, 2, 4Philadelphia, 1993, 2, 5Philadelphia Story, The, 1940, 2, 6Pianist, The, 2002, 3, 7Piano, The, 1993, 3, 8Picnic, 1955, 2, 6Picture of Dorian Gray, The, 1945, 1, 3Pillow Talk, 1959, 1, 5Pink Phink, The, 1964, 1, 1Pinocchio, 1940, 2, 2Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, 2006, 1, 4Place in the Sun, A, 1951, 6, 9Place to Stand, A, 1967, 1, 2Places in the Heart, 1984, 2, 7Platoon, 1986, 4, 8Plymouth Adventure, 1952, 1, 1Pocahontas, 1995, 2, 2Pollock, 2000, 1, 2Porgy and Bess, 1959, 1, 4Portrait of Jennie, 1948, 1, 2Poseidon Adventure, The, 1972, 1, 8[13]Precious Images, 1986, 1, 1Pride and Prejudice, 1940, 1, 1Pride of the Yankees, The, 1942, 1, 11Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The, 1969, 1, 2Prince of Egypt, The, 1998, 1, 2Princess O'Rourke, 1943, 1, 1Princeton: A Search for Answers, 1973, 1, 1Private Life of Henry VIII, The, 1932/1933, 1, 2Private Life of the Gannets, The, 1937, 1, 1Prizzi's Honor, 1985, 1, 8Producers, The, 1968, 1, 2Project Hope, 1961, 1, 1Public Pays, The, 1936, 1, 1Pulp Fiction, 1994, 1, 7Purple Rain, 1984, 1, 1Pygmalion, 1938, 1, 4Queen, The, 2006, 1, 6Quest, 1996, 1, 1Quest for Fire, 1982, 1, 1Quicker 'N a Wink, 1940, 1, 1Quiero ser (I want to be ...), 2000, 1, 1Quiet Man, The, 1952, 2, 7Quiet Please!, 1945, 1, 1Raging Bull, 1980, 2, 8Raiders of the Lost Ark, 1981, 5, 9Rain Man, 1988, 4, 8Rains Came, The, 1939, 1, 6Ran, 1985, 1, 4Ratatouille, 2007, 1, 5Ray, 2004, 2, 6Ray's Male Heterosexual Dance Hall, 1987, 1, 1Razor's Edge, The, 1946, 1, 4Reader, The, 2008, 1, 5Reap the Wild Wind, 1942, 1, 3Rebecca, 1940, 2, 11Red Balloon, The (Le ballon rouge), 1956, 1, 1Red Shoes, The, 1948, 2, 5Red Violin, The (Le Violon rouge), 1998, 1, 1Reds, 1981, 3, 12Redwoods, The, 1967, 1, 1Restoration, 1995, 2, 2Resurrection of Broncho Billy, The, 1970, 1, 1Return of the Jedi, 1983, 0, 4[14]Reversal of Fortune, 1990, 1, 3Right Stuff, The, 1983, 4, 8River Runs Through It, A, 1992, 1, 3Road to Perdition, 2003, 1, 6Robe, The, 1953, 2, 5Robert Frost: A Lover's Quarrel with the World, 1963, 1, 1Robert Kennedy Remembered, 1968, 1, 1Rocky, 1976, 3, 10Roman Holiday, 1953, 3, 10Romeo and Juliet, 1968, 2, 4Room at the Top, 1959, 2, 6Room with a View, A, 1986, 3, 8Rose Tattoo, The, 1955, 3, 8Rosemary's Baby, 1968, 1, 2'Round Midnight, 1986, 1, 2Ryan, 2004, 1, 1Ryan's Daughter, 1970, 2, 4Sabrina, 1954, 1, 6Samson and Delilah, 1949, 2, 5San Francisco, 1936, 1, 6Sand Castle, The (Le Château de sable), 1977, 1, 1Sandpiper, The, 1965, 1, 1Save the Tiger, 1973, 1, 3Saving Private Ryan, 1998, 5, 11Sayonara, 1957, 4, 10Scared Straight!, 1978, 1, 1Scent of a Woman, 1992, 1, 4Schindler's List, 1993, 7, 12Schwarzfahrer (Black Rider), 1993, 1, 1Scoundrel, The, 1935, 1, 1Sea Around Us, The, 1953, 1, 1Sea Inside, The, 2004, 1, 2Seal Island, 1948, 1, 1Search, The, 1948, 1, 5Seawards the Great Ships, 1961, 1, 1Secret Land, The, 1948, 1, 1Seeds of Destiny, 1946, 1, 1Sense and Sensibility, 1995, 1, 7Sentinels of Silence, 1971, 2, 2Separate Tables, 1958, 2, 7Serengeti Shall Not Die (Serengeti darf nicht sterben), 1959, 1, 1Sergeant York, 1941, 2, 11Session Man, 1991, 1, 1Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, 1954, 1, 5Seven Days to Noon, 1950, 1, 1Seventh Veil, The, 1946, 1, 1Shaft, 1971, 1, 2Shakespeare in Love, 1998, 7, 13Shampoo, 1975, 1, 4Shane, 1953, 1, 6Shanghai Express, 1931/1932, 1, 3She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, 1949, 1, 1Shine, 1996, 1, 7Ship of Fools, 1965, 2, 8Shocking Accident, A, 1982, 1, 1Shop on Main Street, The (Obchod na korze), 1965, 1, 2Shrek, 2001, 1, 2Sideways, 2004, 1, 5Silence of the Lambs, The, 1991, 5, 7Silent World, The (Le Monde du silence), 1956, 1, 1Sin of Madelon Claudet, The, 1931/1932, 1, 1Since You Went Away, 1944, 1, 9Six Shooter, 2005, 1, 1Skippy, 1930/1931, 1, 4Sky Above and Mud Beneath (Le Ciel et la boue), 1961, 1, 1Sleepy Hollow, 1999, 1, 3Sling Blade, 1996, 1, 2Slumdog Millionaire, 2008, 8, 10Snake Pit, The, 1948, 1, 6So Much for So Little, 1949, 1, 1So This Is Harris!, 1932/1933, 1, 1Solid Gold Cadillac, The, 1956, 1, 2Some Like It Hot, 1959, 1, 6Somebody Up There Likes Me, 1956, 2, 3Song of Bernadette, The, 1943, 4, 12Song of the South, 1947, 1, 2[15]Song Without End, 1960, 1, 1Sons and Lovers, 1960, 1, 7Sons of Liberty, 1939, 1, 1Sophie's Choice, 1982, 1, 5Sound of Music, The, 1965, 5, 10South Pacific, 1958, 1, 3Spartacus, 1960, 4, 6Speaking of Animals and Their Families, 1942, 1, 1Special Delivery, 1978, 1, 1Speed, 1994, 2, 3Speedy Gonzales, 1955, 1, 1Spider-Man 2, 2004, 1, 3Spirited Away, 2002, 1, 1Spellbound, 1945, 1, 6Splendor in the Grass, 1961, 1, 2Stagecoach, 1939, 2, 7Stairway to Light, 1945, 1, 1Stalag 17, 1953, 1, 3Star in the Night, 1945, 1, 1Star Is Born, A, 1937, 1, 7Star Is Born, A, 1976, 1, 4Star Wars, 1977, 6, 10State Fair, 1945, 1, 2Sting, The, 1973, 7, 10Stone Carvers, The, 1984, 1, 1Story of Healing, A, 1997, 1, 1Story of Louis Pasteur, The, 1936, 3, 4Strada, La, 1954, 1, 2Stratton Story, The, 1949, 1, 1Streetcar Named Desire, A, 1951, 4, 12Strike Up the Band, 1940, 1, 3Subject Was Roses, The, 1968, 1, 2Summer of '42, 1971, 1, 4Sundae in New York, 1983, 1, 1Sundays and Cybele (Le Dimanches de Ville d'Avray), 1962, 1, 3Sunrise, 1927/1928, 3, 4[16]Sunshine Boys, The, 1975, 1, 4Sunset Boulevard, 1950, 3, 11Survival City, 1955, 1, 1Suspicion, 1941, 1, 3Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, 2007, 1, 3Sweet Bird of Youth, 1962, 1, 3Swing Time, 1936, 1, 2Symphony of a City, 1948, 1, 1Syriana, 2005, 1, 2Tabu, 1930/1931, 1, 1Talk to Her (Hable con ella), 2002, 1, 2Tango, 1981, 1, 1Tarzan, 1999, 1, 1Taxi to the Dark Side, 2007, 1, 1Teddy, the Rough Rider, 1940, 1, 1Teenage Father, 1978, 1, 1Ten Commandments, The, 1956, 1, 7Ten-Year Lunch: The Wit and Legend of the Algonquin Round Table, The, 1987, 1, 1Tender Mercies, 1983, 2, 5Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991, 4, 6Terms of Endearment, 1983, 5, 11Tess, 1980, 3, 6Thank God It's Friday, 1978, 1, 1That Hamilton Woman, 1941, 1, 4That Mothers Might Live, 1938, 1, 1Thelma & Louise, 1991, 1, 6There Will Be Blood, 2007, 2, 8They Shoot Horses, Don't They?, 1969, 1, 9Thief of Bagdad, The, 1940, 3, 4Third Man, The, 1949, 1, 3Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo, 1944, 1, 2This Above All, 1942, 1, 4This Charming Man (Der Er En Yndig Mand), 2002, 1, 1This Is the Army, 1943, 1, 3This Land Is Mine, 1943, 1, 1This Mechanical Age, 1954, 1, 1This Tiny World, 1972, 1, 1Thomas Crown Affair, The, 1968, 1, 2Thoroughly Modern Millie, 1967, 1, 7Thoth, 2001, 1, 1Thousand Clowns, A, 1965, 1, 4Three Coins in the Fountain, 1954, 2, 3Three Faces of Eve, The, 1957, 1, 1Three Little Pigs, 1932/1933, 1, 1Three Orphan Kittens, 1935, 1, 1Through a Glass Darkly (Såsom i en spegel), 1961, 1, 2Thunderball, 1965, 1, 1Thursday's Children, 1954, 1, 1Time for Justice, A, 1994, 1, 1Time Machine, The, 1960, 1, 1Time Out of War, A, 1954, 1, 1Times of Harvey Milk, The, 1984, 1, 1Tin Drum, The (Die Blechtrommel), 1979, 1, 1Tin Pan Alley, 1940, 1, 1Tin Toy, 1988, 1, 1Titan: Story of Michelangelo, The, 1950, 1, 1Titanic, 1953, 1, 2Titanic, 1997, 11, 14To Be Alive!, 1965, 1, 1To Begin Again (Volver a empezar), 1982, 1, 1To Catch a Thief, 1955, 1, 3To Each His Own, 1946, 1, 2To Kill a Mockingbird, 1962, 3, 8Tom Jones, 1963, 4, 10tom thumb, 1958, 1, 1Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom, 1953, 1, 1Tootsie, 1982, 1, 10Top Gun, 1986, 1, 4Topkapi, 1964, 1, 1Topsy-Turvy, 1999, 2, 4Tora! Tora! Tora!, 1970, 1, 5Tortoise and the Hare, The, 1935, 1, 1Torture Money, 1937, 1, 1Touch of Class, A, 1973, 1, 5Toward Independence, 1948, 1, 1Towering Inferno, The, 1974, 3, 8Traffic, 2000, 4, 5Training Day, 2001, 1, 2Transatlantic, 1931/1932, 1, 1Travels with My Aunt, 1972, 1, 4Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The, 1948, 3, 4Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A, 1945, 1, 2Trevor, 1994, 1, 1Trip to Bountiful, The, 1985, 1, 2True Glory, The, 1945, 1, 1True Grit, 1969, 1, 2True Story of the Civil War, The, 1956, 1, 1Tsotsi, 2005, 1, 1Tweetie Pie, 1947, 1, 1Twelve O'Clock High, 1949, 2, 4Twin Towers, 2002, 1, 1Two Arabian Knights, 1927/1928, 1, 1Two Mouseketeers, The, 1951, 1, 1Two Soldiers, 2003, 1, 1Two Women (La Ciociara), 1960, 1, 1U-571, 2000, 1, 2Ugly Duckling, 1939, 1, 1Underworld, 1927/1928, 1, 1Unforgiven, 1992, 4, 9Untouchables, The, 1987, 1, 4Up, 1984, 1, 1Usual Suspects, The, 1995, 2, 2V.I.P.s, The, 1963, 1, 1Vacation from Marriage (Perfect Strangers), 1945, 1, 1Van Gogh, 1949, 1, 1Vanishing Prairie, The, 1954, 1, 1Vicky Cristina Barcelona, 2008, 1, 1Victor Victoria, 1982, 1, 7Violet, 1981, 1, 1Virgin Spring, The (Jungfrukällan), 1960, 1, 2Visas and Virtue, 1997, 1, 1Viva Villa!, 1934, 1, 4Viva Zapata!, 1952, 1, 5Waikiki Wedding, 1937, 1, 2Walk the Line, 2005, 1, 5WALL-E, 2008, 1, 6Wall Street, 1987, 1, 1Wallace & Gromit in The Wrong Trousers, 1993, 1, 1Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, 2005, 1, 1War and Peace (Voyna i mir), 1967, 1, 2War Game, The, 1965, 1, 1War of the Worlds, The, 1953, 1, 3Wasp, 2004, 1, 1Watch on the Rhine, 1943, 1, 4Water Birds, 1952, 1, 1Way of All Flesh, The, 1927/1928, 1, 1Way We Were, The, 1973, 2, 6West Bank Story, 2006, 1, 1West Side Story, 1961, 10, 11Westerner, The, 1940, 1, 3Wetback Hound, The, 1957, 1, 1What Dreams May Come, 1998, 1, 2What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, 1962, 1, 5When Tomorrow Comes, 1939, 1, 1When Magoo Flew, 1954, 1, 1When We Were Kings, 1996, 1, 1When Worlds Collide, 1951, 1, 2White Nights, 1985, 1, 2White Shadows in the South Seas, 1928/1929, 1, 1White Wilderness, 1958, 1, 2Who Are the DeBolts? And Where Did They Get Nineteen Kids?, 1977, 1, 1Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 1988, 3, 6Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, 1966, 5, 13Who's Who in Animal Land, 1944, 1, 1Why Korea?, 1950, 1, 1Why Man Creates, 1968, 1, 1Wild Wings, 1966, 1, 1Wilson, 1944, 5, 10Wings, 1927/1928, 2, 2Wings Over Everest, 1935, 1, 1Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, 1968, 1, 1With a Song in My Heart, 1952, 1, 5With Byrd at the South Pole, 1929/1930, 1, 1With the Marines at Tarawa, 1944, 1, 1Witness, 1985, 2, 8Witness to War: Dr. Charlie Clements, 1985, 1, 1Wizard of Oz, The, 1939, 2, 6Woman in Red, The, 1984, 1, 1Woman of the Year, 1942, 1, 2Women - for America, for the World, 1986, 1, 1Women in Love, 1970, 1, 4Wonder Boys, 2000, 1, 3Wonder Man, 1945, 1, 4Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm, The, 1962, 1, 4Woodstock, 1970, 1, 3Work Experience, 1989, 1, 1Working Girl, 1988, 1, 6World of Kids, 1951, 1, 1Wrestling Swordfish, 1931/1932, 1, 1Written on the Wind, 1956, 1, 3Wuthering Heights, 1939, 1, 8Yankee Doodle Dandy, 1942, 3, 8Yankee Doodle Mouse, The, 1943, 1, 1Year of Living Dangerously, The, 1983, 1, 1Year Toward Tomorrow, A, 1966, 1, 1Yearling, The, 1946, 2, 7Yentl, 1983, 1, 5Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (Ieri, oggi, domani), 1963, 1, 1You Can't Take It with You, 1938, 2, 7You Don't Have to Die, 1988, 1, 1You Light Up My Life, 1977, 1, 1Young at Heart, 1987, 1, 1Z, 1969, 2, 5Zorba the Greek (Alexis Zorbas), 1964, 3, 7