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you wouldn't

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Q: How would you use trigonometry in the real world?
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Can you use trigonometry when you build a bridge?

An architect who designs a bridge would use trigonometry, among other mathematical techniques.

How can you collect data on a research based on trigonometry in real life?

How large is a triangle? The real-life uses of trigonometry extend far beyond mere simple right-triangles into great expanses of scientific and engineering maths in everyday professional use, so "how" you would collect the data would depend on the specific study.

How can trigonometry be useful in metallurgy?

how can trigonometry use in metallurgy

When would you use subtraction in a real world?

you would use subtraction in the real world if you have money. Let's say you have $20, you want to buy something for $17. how much money would you have left? answer:$3

How the trigonometry apply in real life?

Depending on your career, you may or may not need trigonometry. If your job does not require a lot of math, it is unlikely that you will use trigonometry very often, however, this is not a reason not to study it. The skills and discipline developed in your trigoometry class will help you no matter what career you choose.

How do astronomers use trigonometry?

One example of an astronomer's use of trigonometry is determining the distance to a star by triangulation.

How was trigonometry used?

it is used in real life situation to fin the height of thing and in math you use it to find the length of one of the sides.

What do mechanics use trigonometry for?

Mechanics use trigonometry to find angles mostly used in body or chassis work.

Do farmers use trigonometry?

Well, if Edward Cullen the bloodsucking vampire can use trigonometry. Then I am asuming farmers can as well.

Who invented trigonometry?

The first recorded use of trigonometry came from the Hellenistic mathematician Hipparchus

Do engineers use trigonometry?


Do architects use trigonometry?

yes they do