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Q: Tan3x plus tanx equals 2tan2x
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Tan plus cot divided by tan equals csc squared?

(tanx+cotx)/tanx=(tanx/tanx) + (cotx/tanx) = 1 + (cosx/sinx)/(sinx/cosx)=1 + cos2x/sin2x = 1+cot2x= csc2x This is a pythagorean identity.

What is the differentiate of y equals tanx plus c?

y' = (sec(x))^2

How does secx plus 1 divided by cotx equal 1 plus sinx divided by cosx?

secx = 1/cosxand 1/cotx = tanx, therefore1/cosx + tanx = 1 + sinx/cosx, andsin/cos = tanx, therefore1/cosx + tanx = 1 + tanx, therefore1/cosx = 1, therfore1 = cosx.So, therfore, it is not neccesarily true.But if you meansecx plus 1 divided by cotx equals (1 plus sinx) divided by cosx(this is probably what you mean) Let's start over!secx = 1/cosxand 1/cotx = tanx, therefore1/cosx + tanx = (1+sinx)/cosx therefore1/cosx + tanx = 1/cosx + sinx/cosxsinx/cosx = tanx therfore1/cosx + tanx = 1/cosx + tanxDo you think this is correct? Subtract both sides by 1/cosx + tanx:0 = 0So, therefore, this is correct!(BTW, I'm in Grade 6! :P)

What is the Derivative of -x plus tanx?


Tanx equals 45 is 49 degrees?


What is the derivative of 1 plus tanx?


How do you simplify tanx plus 1 sqaured?

I assume you mean (tanx+1)^2 In which case, (tanx+1)^2=tan2x+2tanx+1

What is period of y equals -tanx?

pi radians.

Parenthesis 1 plus tanx end parenthesis divided by sinx equals cscx plus secx?

(1 + tanx)/sinxMultiply by sinx/sinxsinx + tanxsinxDivide by sin2x (1/sin2x) = cscxcscx + tan(x)csc(x)tanx = sinx/cosx and cscx = 1/sinxcscx + (sinx/cosx)(1/sinx)sinx cancels outcscx + 1/cosx1/cosx = secxcscx + secx

How do you Prove sin x times sec x equals tan x?

sinx*secx ( secx= 1/cos ) sinx*(1/cosx) sinx/cosx=tanx tanx=tanx

Does sin x tan x plus cos x equals tan x?

NO, sinxtanx=sinxsinx/cosx since tanx is sinx/cosx this is sin^2xcosx now add cosx cosx(sin^2x+1) after factoring Does this equal tanx? No, since this would require tanx to equal cosx(sin^2x+1) and it does not.

Cos x plus sin x equals 0?

cosx + sinx = 0 when sinx = -cosx. By dividing both sides by cosx you get: sinx/cosx = -1 tanx = -1 The values where tanx = -1 are 3pi/4, 7pi/4, etc. Those are equivalent to 135 degrees, 315 degrees, etc.