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There are several topics under the broad category of trigonometry.

* Angle measurements

* Properties of angles and circles * Basic trigonometric functions and their reciprocals and co-functions * Graphs of trigonometric functions

* Trigonometric identities * Angle addition and subtraction formulas for trigonometric functions

* Double and half angle formulas for trigonometric functions * Law of sines and law of cosines * Polar and polar imaginary coordinates.

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Q: Topics need for trigonometry
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Topics like Mechanics will help when emulating real world actions - trajectories, 2-D and 3-D Trigonometry and High-Level Shape/Space topics will help for creating objects. Really you need the logic skills that maths teaches, visualising problems and their solutions.

Additional Topics (10%)?

Key topics:Geometry (area, volume, angles, circles, triangles).Trigonometry (sine, cosine, and tangent).Complex numbers.

Application of trignometry in real life?

If you work in engineering, you'll need trigonometry, and other advanced math topics, all the time. Otherwise, you can come along quite well without it, and will seldom find any practical use for it.

Can you take trigonometry before taking algebra 2?

I think you need to understand algebra 2 before you begin trigonometry

When did people need trigonometry?

Since ancient times.

Do you need to know trigonometry to do calculus?

Trigonometry isn't required to learn calculus, but it does help you to understand some of the concepts. Geometry, however, is usually required before taking a course in trigonometry.

What type of problem do engineer use trigonometry?

They need to study how stresses and other forces will act in structures and trigonometry is essential for studying these.

Why do you need to study trigonometry?

Trigonometry is essential to the study of higher mathematics (calculus) and to the understanding of many scientific and engineering principles. Trigonometry and calculus can be used to model many shapes, motions, and functions in daily life.

Why do you need to know trigonometry for computer programming?

Not necessarly, but it could be useful...

What are the 2 branches of trigonometry?

plane trigonometry spherical trigonometry

Should you take trigonometry before calculus?

Why? These are two topics within Mathematics. They are not isolated, mutually-insular academic disciplines. Having said that, basic Trigonometry is simpler than Calculus, which requires the deeper grounding in algebra and the graphs of algebraic functions based on x^n where the index n is at least 2 (quadratic and higher-order equations) . At a more advanced level, all three topics merge when you apply calculus to trigonometrical functions.Many times, calculus classes will expect some basic knowledge of trigonometry. While it may not be too hard to learn in the class, you may feel better prepared if you have taken trigonometry or a pre-calculus class.