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Surveyors use trigonmetry to find the exact height, length, and/or width of man-made and/or natural objects without having to measure it all manually. I think, to get the angle, they use a special gun thing that they point at the end of the object, which works it all out, then they just have to measure the distance they are from the object. After that its up to their trigonometry skills, and if they're good, then they should find the almost exact length, height, and/or width.

There are so many jobs that use trigonometry -> an architect, Crime Scene Investigators, any job dealing with outer space (astronomers, physicist, astronauts, the men that guide the astronauts, etc), carpenter, machinist, engineering (mechanical, computer, chemical, civil, aeronautical, industrial, etc.), any job involving navigation (pilots -- air and sea), computer game creators. The list could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.

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With a protractor. Or measure some distance, and use trigonometry.

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One example of an astronomer's use of trigonometry is determining the distance to a star by triangulation.

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Well, if Edward Cullen the bloodsucking vampire can use trigonometry. Then I am asuming farmers can as well.

Who invented trigonometry?

The first recorded use of trigonometry came from the Hellenistic mathematician Hipparchus

Can you use trigonometry when you build a bridge?

An architect who designs a bridge would use trigonometry, among other mathematical techniques.

What is the definition of plane trigonometry?

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