I live in a house. It could not have been built without trigonometry.I get about on a push-bike, car or other vehicles. None of these would work without trigonometry.
Trigonometry is essential to the study of higher mathematics (calculus) and to the understanding of many scientific and engineering principles. Trigonometry and calculus can be used to model many shapes, motions, and functions in daily life.
Trigonometry is used in the design and construction of buildings, cars, planes, and many other objects. Trigonometry is used in physics and engineering whenever forces, waves, fields, and vectors are involved. Trigonometry is used in music and acoustics to design speakers, instruments, and concert halls. Trigonometry is used to coordinate launches OS space shuttles. Trigonometry is used to navigate ships and planes. Nearly every part of modern life uses trigonometry in some way.
Depending on your career, you may or may not need trigonometry. If your job does not require a lot of math, it is unlikely that you will use trigonometry very often, however, this is not a reason not to study it. The skills and discipline developed in your trigoometry class will help you no matter what career you choose.
It is a number - in trigonometry or elsewhere.
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Trigonometry is important in daily life for many reasons. People use patterns and symmetry in relating to objects around them. For example. trigonometry is used in decorating a home.
Generally pre-calculus is taken after trigonometry, unless the trigonometry course was supplemented by a pre-calculus course, in which case the next course would be calculus.
Trigonometry is not important ever
what is the application of trigonometry in your life and future carrier
The earth, which we live on, is approximately a sphere. It is important, therefore, to know spherical trigonometry.
Trigonometry isn't required to learn calculus, but it does help you to understand some of the concepts. Geometry, however, is usually required before taking a course in trigonometry.
Of course, it's very important for life.
Some chemical reactions depend on the shape of molecules and the study of the shape of molecules - requires knowledge of trigonometry.
maths is important in astronomy algibra and trigonometry
The students and teacher of my trig. class
Trigonometry can be used to find the heights of buildings when paired with a sextant (a device for measuring angles from the buliding)
Amongst other factors, the answer depends onwhere you took trigonometry (which country/school),what level you studied,what you want to do in life.