

What is the domain of a sine curve?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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The domain of the sine function is all real numbers, or (-∞, ∞). Note the curly brackets around this interval, when a domain or range includes positive or negative infinity, it is never inclusive.

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Q: What is the domain of a sine curve?
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How the sine curve related to a curve?

Basically, it IS a curve.

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How are sine and cosine curves similar?

The sine curve is exactly the same as the cosine curve shifted pi/2 radians to the left

What is continually changing in the sine curve?

The angle.

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Inverse sine is defined for the domain [-1, 1]. Since 833 is way outside this domain, the value is not defined.

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A sine wave is a simple vertical line in the frequency domain because the horizontal axis of the frequency domain is frequency, and there is only one frequency, i.e. no harmonics, in a pure sine wave.

What is the Domain of the sin function?

The domain of the sine function is all real numbers.

What is the domain of the sine function?

The domain of the sine function is [-infinity, +infinity].The range is [-1, +1].The sine function is periodic. It repeats itself every 360 degrees or 2PI radians.

What does a sine curve represent in physics?

In physics, a sine curve is used to represent periodic phenomena such as simple harmonic motion or alternating current. It shows how a quantity varies sinusoidally with time or distance. The amplitude, frequency, and phase of the sine curve provide important information about the behavior of the system being studied.

What is the connection between trigonometry ratios and sound waves?

Sound waves are transmitted through a medium as variations in the pressure of the medium. If the variation is plotted as a function of distance (or time), they will generate a sine curve (the cosine curve is the same as a sine curve with a phase shift). In practise, the sine curve is damped: the amplitude (or height) of the oscillations gradually decrease over time or distance, because of attenuation.

Sine wave means what?

The sine wave is also called a sinusoid is a mathematical curve that describes the smooth repetitive oscillation.

What happens to a sine curve if a negative constant c is added to the variable x?

The curve is shifted to the right by c.