

What is vector in math?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Simply put, a vector is 2 dimensional.

Think of speed - it is only one dimensional. It is not a vector, it is a scalar. It is measured in a scale, most commonly noticed when inside a vehicle. You are travelling at 100km/h (60mph)

Vectors are 2 dimensional, they have a magnitude and a direction.

Think of velocity, as an arrow - imagine you are travelling at 60 mph in a northerly direction, your arrow would be pointing to the notth, with a magnitude of 60mph, If you were travelling at 60mph in a southerly direction, your velocity vector would be pointing towards the south, the exact opposite of your vector if you were travelling in a northerly direction.

However the speed in these two scenario's, speed not being a vector, remains exactly the same, 60mph.

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