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180 is an integer and so there is no sensible way of representing it as a mixed number.

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Q: What mixed number is for 180 degrees?
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What is the largest number of degrees of longitude?

+180 degrees.

What is the number of interior of triangle?

180 degrees. Triangles always have an interior of 180 degrees and quadrilaterals have 360 degrees.

What is the total number of degrees from the north pole to the south poles?

The total number of degrees from the North Pole to the South Pole is 180 degrees.

What angle is greater than 90 degrees and is less than 180 degrees?

There are an infinite number of angles > 90 and < 180 degrees.

What angle is between 180 and 360 degrees?

There are an infinite number of angles between 180 degrees and 360 degrees but 182 degrees is one of them.

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A supplementary angle is a 180-degree angle minus the number of degrees in the given angle.

Angle sum of a pentagon in degrees?

(Number of sides - 2)*180 (5-2)*180 = 540 degrees

The angle sum of a pentagon in degrees?

(Number of sides - 2)*180 (5-2)*180 = 540 degrees

Why do triangles have to have 180 degrees?

Triangles have to have 180 degrees because every polygon must have the degrees by this formula: (N-2)*180 = degrees, where N stands for the number of sides. If we subtract 3 from 2, we get 1, and multiplied by 180 gives us 180 degrees. This is true for every polygon.

Why do triangles have 180 degrees?

Because the formula for the interior degrees of a polygon is (number of sides -2)*180 = sum of interior angles. A triangle has 3 sides so: (3 -2)*180 = 180 degrees

How many degrees in a nonagon?

1260 To find the number of degrees its 180(n - 2) where n is the number of sides. So... 180(9-2) =180(7) =1260 You're welcome:]

What is the greatest number of degrees anyone can be from the prime meridian?

The greatest number of degrees anyone can be from the prime meridian is 180 degrees. This is because the prime meridian itself is located at 0 degrees longitude, and the maximum longitude value is 180 degrees both east and west. Therefore, any location can be a maximum of 180 degrees away from the prime meridian.