It was not quite a cult, more of a society dedicated to mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy, which Pythagoras himself coined.
threw him over board
Pythagoras Py = pie thag = thag The 'g' is 'hard' , like 'garden'/ or = 'or' as = as-s. NOT ( az(as)).
Pythagoras wife is Theano.
Pythagoras theorem
Pythagoras cult rules where the rules is? Pythagoras cultis not definened
Pythagoras is not a landscape or a place. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded a cult religion called Pythagoreanism in Ancient Greece.
sacred geometry
sacred geometry
sacred geometry
threw him over board
At the same time that Pythagoras was working out his theorem for a right angle triangle he created a religious cult known as the Pythagoreans
It was a religous cult founded by Pythagoras that thought everything depended on numbers, and math. They were divided into two groups, the mathematikoi and the akousmatikoi.
Pythagoras faced several failures throughout his life, including his inability to prove the irrationality of the square root of 2, which contradicted his belief in the perfection of mathematics. Additionally, his strict and secretive cult-like community led to internal conflicts and eventual dissolution of the Pythagorean society after his death. Pythagoras also failed in his political ambitions in Croton, where his followers were eventually overthrown and he had to flee for his life.
I don't think Odd Future is an actual cult, but they seem to have gained a cult-like following; wouldn't classify them as a cult, still.
Pythagoras became famous for proving that Pythagoras' theorem was correct, making other famous Greeks like Plato and Aristotle inspired to be a mathematician.
because he didnt like the taste of them