It was not quite a cult, more of a society dedicated to mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy, which Pythagoras himself coined.
threw him over board
Pythagoras Py = pie thag = thag The 'g' is 'hard' , like 'garden'/ or = 'or' as = as-s. NOT ( az(as)).
Pythagoras wife is Theano.
Pythagoras theorem
Pythagoras cult rules where the rules is? Pythagoras cultis not definened
Pythagoras is not a landscape or a place. Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher and mathematician who founded a cult religion called Pythagoreanism in Ancient Greece.
sacred geometry
sacred geometry
sacred geometry
threw him over board
At the same time that Pythagoras was working out his theorem for a right angle triangle he created a religious cult known as the Pythagoreans
It was a religous cult founded by Pythagoras that thought everything depended on numbers, and math. They were divided into two groups, the mathematikoi and the akousmatikoi.
Well, Pythagoras may have been a math whiz, but the guy had his fair share of failures. He thought beans were evil, for crying out loud! Plus, his cult-like following and strict rules didn't exactly make him a hit with everyone. And let's not forget the whole "believing in the transmigration of souls" thing – talk about a wild theory!
I don't think Odd Future is an actual cult, but they seem to have gained a cult-like following; wouldn't classify them as a cult, still.
Pythagoras became famous for proving that Pythagoras' theorem was correct, making other famous Greeks like Plato and Aristotle inspired to be a mathematician.
because he didnt like the taste of them