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Q: Which part of a soda bottle is one dimensional?
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How does triangulation work in structures?

A triangulation data structure is a data structure designed to handle the representation of a two dimensional triangulation. Triangulation is the one who is responsible for the creation and removal of faces and vertices (memory management).

What is vector in math?

Simply put, a vector is 2 dimensional. Think of speed - it is only one dimensional. It is not a vector, it is a scalar. It is measured in a scale, most commonly noticed when inside a vehicle. You are travelling at 100km/h (60mph) Vectors are 2 dimensional, they have a magnitude and a direction. Think of velocity, as an arrow - imagine you are travelling at 60 mph in a northerly direction, your arrow would be pointing to the notth, with a magnitude of 60mph, If you were travelling at 60mph in a southerly direction, your velocity vector would be pointing towards the south, the exact opposite of your vector if you were travelling in a northerly direction. However the speed in these two scenario's, speed not being a vector, remains exactly the same, 60mph.

How many faces does a cube have?

A cube has six faces. Here is some more information about cubes. A cube is a 3-dimensional polyhedron with 6 square faces. Each vertex, or pointer corner, is occurs where three sides meet. A cube has 12 edges and 8 vertices. Another name for a cube is a regular hexahedron. A cube is one of 5 platonic solids.

What is the purpose of pyramids being triangle?

Firstly, the pyramids are not shaped like a triangle, they are in the form of the "pyramid shape" because they are 3-dimensional. Secondly, the shape of Egyptian pyramids is thought to represent the primordial mound from which the Egyptians believed the earth was created. The shape is also thought to be representative of the descending rays of the sun, and most pyramids were faced with polished, highly reflective white limestone, in order to give them a brilliant appearance when viewed from a distance. The Egyptians believed the dark area of the night sky around which the stars appear to revolve was the physical gateway into the heavens. One of the narrow shafts that extends from the main burial chamber through the entire body of the Great Pyramid points directly towards the center of this part of the sky. This suggests the pyramid may have been designed to serve as a means to magically launch the deceased pharaoh's soul directly into the abode of the gods.

What is the amount of time for one rotation?

one day

Related questions

How to make a soda bottle rocket?

To make a soda bottle rocket, you will need a 2-liter soda bottle, a cork, a bike pump, water, and a launch pad. Fill one-third of the bottle with water, attach a cork to the opening, and place the rocket on the launch pad. Pump air into the bottle using the bike pump, quickly remove the cork, and watch it soar!

What is the symmetry of a bottle of soda?

Rotational symmetry along one axis.

What is a hypothesis for soda bottle cyclone?

If the soda bottle cyclone makes one complete vortex at at least 10 revolution(s), then it'll make the liquid bubbles come out.

How much pollution does the creation of a soda bottle produce?

for exaple one can of 330ml.

How many milliliters are in a two liter bottle of soda?

2 liters are 2000 milliliters.

How many gallons are in a big soda bottle?

A large bottle of soda typically contains 2 liters. There are 3.785 liters in a gallon. 2 liters equals 0.53 (just over one half) gallons.

How do you get your one-eyed monster unstuck from a soda bottle Answer ASAP?

To get your one-eyed monster unstsuck from a soda bottle, first become completely relaxed as to not create any more growth or pressure. Using a type of lubricant should help the person slip themselves from out of the bottle. Scissors should be used as a last resort.

Should you drink a soda?

Absolutely, If you're trying to watch you weight have some soda about one a month. Don't drink a soda everyday. It is very unhealthy. Factories use 16 packets of sugar in a bottle of soda.

What object weighs one liter?

a bottle of soda weighs and is one liter

If one bottle of soda costs 99 cents how much does three cost?

$0.99 * 3 = $2.97

Recycling one soda bottle will save enough energy to run a television for how long?

15 minutes

How is a 2 liter soda bottle turned into a soda dispenser?

You can turn a 2 liter soda bottle of your favourite kind into a soda dispenser by buying one from a retailer which sells them. They have become popular, so you can find them at all major retail stores. If you're feeling creative, you may also take on the challenge yourself by reviewing tutorials.